To some, Germany is peaceful towns of timber-framed houses; to others, rolling hills and the mighty Black Forest; to others still, the grungy bars and trendsetting neighbourhoods of metropolises like Hamburg, Munich, and, of course, the immortal capital – Berlin. From the north’s seaside resorts to the Bavarian heartland and its legendary Oktoberfest, Germany is a country of startling many facets, with a natural and cultural diversity rivaled by few.
欢迎来到德国的首都——柏林。这座城市处处可见其不可思议的历史留下的深深烙印,柏林墙倒塌带来的剧变也为这座城市注入了特殊魅力。再也没有哪个欧洲大都市在这些年中经历了如此多的变革。当然,如布兰登堡门(Brandenburg Gate)、国会大厦(Reichstag)和东区画廊(East Side Gallery)这样的著名观光地标还在见证这座城市的历史——但是今天的柏林展现出的是一个年轻而富有活力的大都市,在欧洲的中心向世界敞开胸怀,引领着建筑、艺术和时尚的新风向。来发现多姿多彩的柏林吧!——享受柏林之旅!