This West African gem is one of the safest countries on the continent, and also one of the most exciting. Senegal is named after the river that gives it its natural border to the north, where the sand of the Sahara graces the land with its barren beauty. Contrasting with the aridness of the north, the areas near Guinea-Bissau, on the opposite side of the country, are home to landscapes of luscious tropical forests, while the land in the middle is a wide strip of tallgrass savanna. Dakar, the flourishing capital of Senegal stretches out into the ocean on a peninsula pointing towards the far-off islands of Cabo Verde. Rightfully holding on to its substantial and unmistakable culture, Dakar has been able to combine modern commodities with long-standing tradition. Learn about the slave trade at Gorée Island, take a trip to the Grand Mosque in the lively neighbourhood of Medina or admire the pan-African artworks in the Théodore Monod African Art Museum. Then take a breather from the busy city centre and observe the process of salt extraction at Lake Retba, dubbed ‘the pink lake’ due to its high concentration of cyanobacteria which lends the water a very particular hue.
La presqu'île du Cap-Vert s'étire vers l'ouest dans l'océan Atlantique, abritant la ville la plus à l'ouest du continent africain : Dakar. Représentant le développement de l'Afrique mieux que n'importe quelle autre ville, Dakar offre le confort et le luxe de la vie moderne, tout en préservant son histoire et ses traditions. Les marchés animés du centre-ville côtoient le rythme décontracté de l'île de Gorée et des plages environnantes, faisant de Dakar une expérience fascinante pleine de contrastes.