Yarrawa Estate
Yarrawa Estate Vineyard is nestled in between the rugged escarpments of Upper Kangaroo Valley, offering unmatched scenic beauty. This vineyard enjoys a temperate climate with rich volcanic and alluvial soils, providing an ideal environment for viticulture.
Farm tours available by appointment to observe macadamia, walnut, pecan, and Japanese raisin trees plus large citrus grove. Seasonal farm produce is also available for purchase.
Visit Yarrawa Estate cellar door for wine tastings. Sample nuts, jams, and pickles whilst enjoying the picturesque views.
Wines produced include chambourcin (spray free and hand-picked), unwooded chardonnay (clean and fruity), verdelho (lovely summer wine), chardonnay (softly wooded, complements seafood, poultry), cabernet (Barossa Valley grapes), shiraz (mature, full bodied wine, great with most foods, pinot noir brut (apertif style with crisp finish), sauvignon blanc/semillon (easy drinking luncheon wine, Jasmin Grace (made with muscatel grapes, everyone's favourite)
Their fortifieds include white port, red port, muscat and walnut liquor wine.
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