San Joaquin County Farm Guide
Can’t get enough of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts? What about homemade pies? How about great drives through some of the most beautiful orchards and farmland anywhere? You’ve arrived in California’s Central Valley, also referred to as “The Greatest Garden in the World” and the “Nation’s Salad Bowl” where fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dairy are produced, packaged, and shipped all over the world. Stockton and San Joaquin County have a long history of great agricultural operations. Some of our top crops include almonds, apples, cherries, tomatoes, walnuts, and grapes. The region is also famous for blueberries, nectarines, peaches, and, of course, asparagus. Take a drive through the countryside and stop at the small roadside farm stands. In addition to the freshest local produce you can find, many have homemade baked goods, offer wine tasting, and even make a great lunch.
Check out Visit Stockton website for to request their San Joaquin County Map and Farm Guide.
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