• Man and woman couple snorkeling in Aitutaki Lagoon, Cook Islands. Concept photo of couples travel ,tourism, love, relationship, honeymoon.
    Provided by: ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock.com
  • Aitutaki, Cook Islands
    Provided by: Christina Spicuzza / Flickr

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On Atiu, have a look at the majestic limestone caves that have also been used for burials! Remember to take with you a torch, sturdy walking shoes and learn the legend of the lovers Inutoto and Tangaroa and their association with Anatakitaki Cave, which is spectacularly adorned with stalagmites, stalactites and also home to the Kopeka bird. Visit Raka’s Cave with its fifteen different chambers and let your guide tell you about the many generations of the Rakanui family who have lived and died in this magnificent hideaway!
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Festivals and dancing plays an important part of life for the people of the Cook Islands. For example, the traditional Ura, a Maori sacred ritual is very popular dance here. Visitors who are fortunate enough to be around, are encouraged to join the celebrations and live a priceless experience because of the deep cultural and historical significance. The Te Maeva Nui celebration, one of the most important and largest festivals held each year around the national day of 4th August, brings all the people from all the islands together to rejoice the nation’s self-governance. There are colourful floats, singing, dancing, drumming and feasting.
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