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The guide was updated:Country Code: +48
Area code: 91
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The airport Port Lotniczy Szczecin Goleniów is located about 40 kilometres from Szczecin.
For all airline passengers there are transfer buses available. One ticket costs around 15 PLN if you buy it at an Interglobus office or online. If you buy a ticket from the bus driver the ticket costs 19.50 PLN. You can also choose the Airport Hotel & Home Transfer which means you go straight to your final destination, like a hotel or an office, for 29 PLN.
+48 91 485 0422
The LOT Airline Minibus runs from the terminal to the city centre for 25 PLN. The buses depart from the city 90 minutes before a flight and depart from the airport 15 minutes after landing.
+48 91 481 7400
Taxis are available from outside the terminal. The estimated travel time is 30 minutes and the journey costs approximately 110-150 PLN.
Airport Taxi Group
+48 91 481 7690
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Consulate of the United Mexican States
Zbigniew Ligierko
Morenowa 37, 72-006 Mierzyn
tel. 91 426 96 81, 601 577 350
e-mail: zbigniew.ligierko@konsulmex.pl
Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway
Jan Antoni Kubiak
Niepodległości 17, 70-412 Szczecin
tel. 91 812 1430 fax: 91 812 14 35 e-mail: konsulat@kancelaria-szczecin.pl
Consulate of Cyprus
Michał Czerepaniak
Jana Matejki 22, 70-530 Szczecin
tel: 91 431 07 70, e-mail: cyprusconsulate@maritime.pl
Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark
Andrzej Eugeniusz Preiss
Piłsudskiego la, 70-420 Szczecin
tel./fax. 91 433 09 30 e-mail: konsulat. danii@preiss.pl
Consulate of the Republic of Estonia
Robert Kornecki
Kurza Stopka, 5/cd 70-535 Szczecin
tel. 91 812 38 27, fax. 91 812-38-24, e-mail: robert.kornecki@konsul-estonii.pl sekretariat@konsulat-estonia.pl
Consulate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Ryszard Jacek Karger
Storrady Świętosławy 1B/56, 71-602 Szczecin, tel. 601 611 303
e-mail: Ryszard.Karger-HonCon@fconet.fco.gov.uk
Consulate of Ukraine
Henryk Kołodziej
Mickiewicza 45, 70-385 Szczecin, tel. 91 421 16 18, 602 493 434
e-mail: khu.szczecin@gmail.com
Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania
Wiesław Wierzchoś
Gen. L. Rayskiego 23/13 70-442 Szczecin
tel. 91 464 68 08, e-mail: szczecin@konsulat-litwa.pl
Consulate of the Russian Federation
dr Andrzej Bendig - Wielowiejski
Matejki 8, 71-615 Szczecin
tel. 604 606 020, e-mail: szczecin@konsulat-rosja.pl
Consulate of the Republic of Italy
dr hab. Angelo Rella
Wojska Polskiego 65, 70-478 Szczecin
tel. 692 061 010 e-mail: stettino.onorario@esteri.it
Consulate of the Republic of Hungary
Artur Balazs
Niedziałkowskiego 16 / U1, 71-403 Szczecin
tel. 91 345 780 333, 665 255 955, email: szczecin@konsulat-wegry.pl
Consulate of Finland
dr Adolf Wysocki
Energetyków ¾, 70-952 Szczecin
tel. 603 914 631, e-mail: szczecin@konsulat-finlandia.pl 13
Consulate of Republic of Slovenia
Janusz Jasiński
Reja 6 w Zielonej Górze, 65-076 Zielona Góra
tel. 600 959 259, e-mail: konsulat@sloveniazg.pl, janusz.jasinski@sl
Consulate of of Bosnia and Herzegovina
dr Julia Sienkiewicz
Lelewela 8a, 71-154 Szczecin
tel. 91 487 07 20, 601 317 191, e-mail: .sienkiewicz@konsulatbih.pl, biuro@konsulatbih.pl
Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden
Marek Czernis
Żołnierza Polskiego 1B/II piętro, 70-551 Szczecin
tel. 91 881 96 45 e-mail: swedencosulate@czernis.pl
Consulate of French Republic
dr hab. Pierre-Frederic Weber
Żubrów 1/U9, 71-617 Szczecin
tel. 517 594 456 e-mail: consulat.france.szczecin@gmail.com
Consulate of the Republic of Moldova
Aleksander Adam Łaskawer
Powstańców Wielkopolskich 54/13, 70-130 Szczecin
tel. 91 351 44 92, 728 854 438 e-mail: alaskawer@post.diplomats.pl
Consulate the Federal Republic of Germany
Mariusz Rafał Majkut
Zbożowa 4, wejście B, piętro 5, 70-653 Szczecin
tel. 91 450 99 00 e-mail: stettin@hk-diplo.de
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City bike
A city bike is a convenient complement to standard public transport. There are almost 90 stations to choose from, and their current filling can be seen on the system page (https://bikes-srm.pl/en/station-map/). It can be used from March to November.
Using a city bike is not only convenient, but also inexpensive - the first 20 minutes of the ride is free, and riding below an hour costs PLN 1. The full price list of using a city bike can be viewed here (https://bikes-srm.pl/en/price-list/).
Registration in our system is extremely easy - just fill out a short form (https://bikes-srm.pl/en/rejestracja/) and deposit PLN 20 to start. Then the SMS comes with a 6-digit PIN and the login is the phone number.
People who are already registered in city bike systems in cities where Nextbike is the operator do not need to register - their accounts are also valid in Szczecin.
The account on a city bike works on a pre-paid basis (like a prepaid phone) - after renting a vehicle, the funds are removed from our account.
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Kick scooter
Quick, Cabbi and Volt Kick scooters - these three operators have their scooters in Szczecin. To use them, you need to download the appropriate application and, depending on the operator, link it to a payment card or top up the account with the amount of your choice.
Then go downhill - just go to the scooter and scan the QR code from the steering wheel. The price for renting is similar in all systems and fluctuates around PLN 2 for renting and 50 grosze per minute of ride.
Quick - https://quick-app.eu/
Cabbi - https://cabbi.pl/en/
Volt Kick - https://www.voltscooters.pl/
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There are two scooter operators in Szczecin, ECOSHARE and Hop.City. For those born before 19 January 1995, an ID card is sufficient for driving. Otherwise an AM driving license is required.
To use them, you must download the appropriate application and top up the account with the amount of your choice. In both cases the available scooter can be found from the application level. Each vehicle is equipped with 2 helmets. The price of the ride is ECOSHARE PLN 0.69 per minute, and Hop.City PLN 0.49 per minute.
ECOSHARE - http://ecoshare.pl/HomeEn
Hop.City - https://hop.city/szczecin?lang=en
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Emergency numbers
112 - general
997 - police
998 - fire brigade
999 - ambulance
986 - city guard
91 480 90 00 - Paid Parking Zone
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Paid Parking Zone
A paid parking zone is designated in the center of Szczecin. It is divided into sub-zones - red A (more expensive) and yellow B (cheaper). Parking prices are higher the longer the car is parked.
Red A in PLN:
15 min - 0,70
First hour - 2,80
Secound hour - 3,20
Third hour - 3,60
every next hour - 2,80
Yellow B in PLN
15 min - 0,40
First hour - 1,60
Secound hour - 1,80
Third hour - 2,00
every next hour - 1,60
You can purchase ticket in vending machines and it is possible with the use of coins 10 grosze, 20 grosze, 50 grosze, 1 PLN, 2 PLN, and 5 PL.
In addition to parking meters, there are two applications that allow you to make payments: Skycash and Mobilet.
Fees are charged only on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00.
A separate zone is designated at Plac Orła Białego. Parking is paid there from 8am to 10pm, all days of the week, including public holidays. The first 15 minutes started - 2.50 PLN, for each subsequent 3 minutes started - 0.50 PLN.
PRaking zone office is placed on al. Wojska Polskiego 105.
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Public transport
The departure times for the local transport are clearly posted at all stops. Tickets can be bought from any kiosk selling newspapers, in ZDiTM cash offices or from the ticket automat inside every vehicle.
The tickets are valid for a limited period, timed from when validated in the ticket validator inside a tram or a bus. Note that on both buses and trams, night tickets have specific rules regarding time limit. Luggage and animals doesn't require tickets.
Ticket offices map: https://www.zditm.szczecin.pl/en/passenger/ticket-sales,ticket-offices
Prices for normal and night lines:
15 minutes = 2 zł
30 minutes = 3 zł
1 hour = 4 zł
2 hours = 5zł
24 hours = 12zł (this tickets works for all lines)
Prices for fast lines:
15 minutes = 4 zł
30 minutes = 6 zł
1 hour = 8 zł
Here is timetables for all lines: https://www.zditm.szczecin.pl/en/passenger/timetables,by-line?setlang=en
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Choose a taxi with an illuminated sign with the company name and phone number.
City Taxi Szczecin
+48 914 335 335
Taxi 4 You
+48 914 833 833
Radio Taxi Szczecin
+48 914 875 875
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For sending postcards or letters you should look for the “Poczta”.
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If you are looking for a pharmacy in Szczecin you should look for the "Apteka".
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Country Code: +48
Area code: 91
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220 V, 50 Hz
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