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Maska Theatre
The guide was updated:“Maska” Theatre in Rzeszow is the only professional theatre in Podkarpackie Province. The theatre repertoire includes plays for children, adolescents and adults.
The number of shows per year is 350 on average, and the number of viewers reaches over 55,000. It produces plays on its own stage in Rzeszow and around the entire Podkarpackie Province. The Theatre is engaged in theatre education, which introduces young viewers to the secrets of theatre art.
It has a Museum of Theatre Puppets, where you can see dolls, decorations and stage designs. It is involved in the organization of such events as: “Maskarada”, Festival of Theatres of Animated forms and “Sources of Memory. Szajna-Grotowski-Kantor. “ “Maska” Theatre in Rzeszow was created on the basis of The Puppet and Actor Theatre “Kacperek”, a place with a long tradition.
Useful Information
- Address: ul. Mickiewicza 13, 35-064 Rzeszów
- Website: www.teatrmaska.pl
- Phone: +48 17 862 68 08
- Email: teatrmaska@teatrmaska.pl
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The central square of the Old Town is the Market Square with the Town Hall and a well from the 17th century. The present Market is slightly diff erent from the original 15th-century appearance - only the three frontages are built-up with tenement houses that have undergone reconstructi on over the centuries.
There are hotels, restaurants, clubs, pubs, museums and various institutions. One of the more interesti ng is the tenement house No. 19. The fragments of brick-stone walls and Gothic arches and lintels discovered in the basement that can be seen in the Underground Tourist Route, date back to the beginning of the 15th and 16th centuries. On summer evenings, near the Town Hall you can watch the performances of famous singers, music and vocal groups and dance troupes.
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District Museum in Rzeszów
The Regional Museum in Rzeszow is located in a 17th-century building,which alongside the church and the school was once an integral part of the Piarist monastery complex. Rich museum collecti ons are exhibited inthe secti ons: Archeology, Art, History and in the Library.
There is also a workshop specializing in the Preservati on of Works of Art. The unique interiors and very good acousti cs of the refectory are used for concerts, poetry evenings, meeti ngs, theatre monodramas. On the grounds of a spacious and atmospheric pleasure garden numerous outdoor events take place, e.g. “Museum Night”.
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday: 10:00-17:30
Sunday: 10:00-16:00
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Museum of Theatre Puppets
The museum presents puppets, stage design and decoration props from past performances.
During over 50 years of artistic activity, the Theatre has produced more than 200 premieres. It has collaborated with the most eminent scenographers of Polish puppet theatre, Jan Berdyszak, Ali Bunsch, Adam Kilian, Andrzej Aleksander Łabińc , Leokadia Serafinowicz, Raymond Strzelecki, Zenobiusz Strzelecki, among others.
The creation of the Museum of Theatre Puppets has made it possible for viewers to see the rich collections previously kept in theatre storage. The Museum is a place of popularization and promotion of the art of puppet theatre, therefore it is the right place for the theatre education of children and teenagers.
Monday - Friday: 9:00-14:00
On Saturdays, Sundays and public
holidays, after a phone call, a
minimum of two days before the
planned visit.
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Museum of Bedtime Cartoons from Wojciech Jama's Collection in Rzeszów
Museum of bedtime cartoons from Wojciech Jama’s collection in Rzeszow is a place that evoking many emotions and memories.
The collection consists of original dolls from the films: Teddy Bear, Colargol Bear Adventures, Little Penguin Pik-Pok, Three Bears, Plastus Diary, Jacek and Agatka; celluloids, drafts and scenery projects of animated drawings: Reksio , Bolek and Lolek, Baltasar Gąbka’s kidnapping, and many everyday objects with images of cartoon characters.
The museum organizes many exhibitions, competitions, events and is responsible for creative educational activities and projections. Watching the collection is great fun for children, and some older guests can go back for a while to revisit their own childhood.
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The Dairy Museum by the Tadeusz Rylski Food Schools Complex in Rzeszów
The Dairy Museum is located in the Food Schools Complex, in the halls of the former School Dairy Plant.
It was created by enthusiasts who have assembled a unique collection of milk centrifuges, cheese and buttermilk machines, and even a steam engine. The exposition is supplemented by documents and photographs about the history of the school and dairy cooperatives.
During the European Museum Night there are many exhibitions and competitions for visitors.
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Private Museum of Technology and Military in Rzeszów
The museum deals with the history of technology and military development. It features a collection of cars, motorcycles, technical equipment, household goods and military supplies.
The museum has collections of restored 1950s vintage polish and French cars and vintage motorcycles. In addition, we can see there some household appliances and RTV equipment from the mid-twentieth century.
A significant part of the collection consists of military exhibits, including collections of military equipment, as well as military gorgets and commemorative coins.
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The Diocesan Museum
The Diocesan Museum of Rzeszow is a church institution established in 1997 by Bishop Kazimierz Gorny. The museum was officially opened on 22 September 1998 as part of the European Days of Cultural Heritage in Rzeszow.
Collections are works of sacred art that are not in use anymore, but due to the age of the diocese (founded in the 1990s) most of its exhibits are located in the museums in Przemysl and Tarnow. The collection, which has now become a permanent exhibition, consists wooden sculpture monuments donated from wooden parish churches in Lubla, Sławęcin, Łężyn, Biecz or Trzciana.
The exposition of the Diocesan Museum also features monuments of orthodox art. Art craftsmanship department is also a part of the exhibition. The commercial art of the second half of the 19th century is represented by two bronze altar candles, donated from the parish church in Biecz and neo-Rococon candlestick, the gift from Father Pałęga.
Thursdays and Fridays:
9:00 - 13:00
(other dates possible after
phone call arrangement)
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Museum of University of Rzeszów
The Museum of the University of Rzeszow, established in 2002, continues the tradition of the Museum of Education.
It documents the activities of the University of Rzeszow, established in 2001 through merger of previously existing universities: the Higher School of Education in Rzeszow, subsidiary of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Rzeszow and subsidiary of the University of Agriculture in Rzeszow.
Its collections are dominated by historic items: memorabilia documenting the history of the university, collections, awards, distinctions and diplomas related to professors and university staff. The facility organizes temporary exhibitions, meetings, conferences and conducts educational activities.
The museum has produced the exhibition “Karol Wojtyla on a tourist trail” exhibited in the courtyard of the curia of Cracow. Another exhibition “Polish Vizier Fefi” was exhibited at the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna as well as at the international conference “Art and archaeology of the Old Kingdom” at the University of Warsaw.
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Hunting Museum
The Hunting Museum itself is located in the building of the Polish Hunting Association in Rzeszow. Exhibits belonging to the collection showcase a wide range of wild game.
The Hunters’ Association was established in Rzeszow in 1880. It is the oldest Hunting Circle in Poland. The founders of the Association were landowners from the Rzeszow district and additionally an official, a notary, a merchant and a professor.
The first joint hunt, preceded by solemn Mass, was organized on Saturday, 24 January 1881, near Malawa. “Hunter’s Association” was the pioneer of hunting organizations, and not only in the Rzeszow district.
Visiting is possible after a prior phone call or e-mail arrangement
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Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre
Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre is the only professional dramatic theatre that has been operating in Podkarpackie Province since 7 October 1944.
It plays an important role in shaping cultural life in south-eastern Poland. In addition to production, it runs Szajna Gallery organizes a significant competition - International Theatre Poster Biennale, and organizes two nationwide theatre reviews - Rzeszow Theatre Meetings and Rzeszow Carnival Meetings. The repertoire of the Theatre is varied in terms of genre and style, and thus addressed to various age groups.
Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre actively conducts educational activities for children and the youth. Student premiers, theatre tours or theatre workshops are just some of our proposals that allow young people to get to know the theatre from the inside.
Ticket office:
From Tuesday to Friday 16:00-19:00
Saturday and Sunday 14:00-19:00
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Szajna Gallery
On 13 March 1997, at the 75th anniversary of his birth and the 50th anniversary of creative work of the world-famous theatre producer and an artist - Professor Jozef Szajna, the adapted attic of the theatre saw the opening of the gallery of the artist’s works.
It is the only exhibition of Professor Jozef Szajna’s works in Poland and in the world, one of the most important artists of the 20th century. All the works that can be seen in the Gallery are gifts from Professor to Rzeszow - the city where he was born.
Jozef Szajna’s body of work is shown in terms of aesthetic transformations, hence we can admire here paintings and objects, puppets, drawings and collages created during various periods of the artist’s life. There are 54 works in the gallery: monumental paintings, drawings, collages , spatial compositions and stage design items from Szajna’s most outstanding theatrical performances.
The exhibition is a retrospective presentation of the artist’s work. Next to the works shown at many prestigious exhibitions in Poland and abroad, there are new exhibitions from the last period of his work. Since its inception, the Gallery has been a meeting place for artists representing various fields: artists, writers, musicians, theatre people.
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Maska Theatre
“Maska” Theatre in Rzeszow is the only professional theatre in Podkarpackie Province. The theatre repertoire includes plays for children, adolescents and adults.
The number of shows per year is 350 on average, and the number of viewers reaches over 55,000. It produces plays on its own stage in Rzeszow and around the entire Podkarpackie Province. The Theatre is engaged in theatre education, which introduces young viewers to the secrets of theatre art.
It has a Museum of Theatre Puppets, where you can see dolls, decorations and stage designs. It is involved in the organization of such events as: “Maskarada”, Festival of Theatres of Animated forms and “Sources of Memory. Szajna-Grotowski-Kantor. “ “Maska” Theatre in Rzeszow was created on the basis of The Puppet and Actor Theatre “Kacperek”, a place with a long tradition.
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Przedmiescie Theatre
Przedmieście Theatre was created in 2001 on the initiative of Aneta Adamska. She quickly created a consistent vision of working on shows. In August 2006, the team changed its headquarters to Lancut, where it worked until August 2010. Since then, the theatre has been operating independently and exhibiting its art in Rzeszow. The theatre creates original plays and performances inspired by works of Polish and world literature.
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"Bo Tak" Theatre
Teatr Bo Tak Association was founded in 2013 on the initiative of professional actors from Rzeszow. As part of the theatre business, four productions have been made so far: “The Truth” by F. Zeller, directed by Marcin Sławiński, “Mel Gibson’s colleague” by T. Jachimek, directed by Paweł Szumec, “Love and Politics” by P. Sauvil and “Trained Man” by J.von Duffel , both directed by Marcin Sławiński.
Over the past four years the theatre has produced about 130 shows, which were watched by over 25,000 viewers in both Rzeszow and around Podkarpackie Province. The performances of the Bo Tak Theatre can be watched all year round in the Concert Hall of the Faculty of Music of UR, addressed primarily to viewers looking for ambitious entertainment.
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Marysieńka Nuclear Shelter
The “Marysieńka” shelter was built during the Cold War period of 1956-60 as a backup command post for the army. It is located in the basement of the house that now hosts an exhibition on the Cold War.
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Nierzeczywista Gallery
The Rzeszow Photography Association is a group of photography lovers, professionals and amateurs, who have been cooperating for more than 10 years to develop their skills and promote the art of photography among the inhabitants of Rzeszow and residents of “closer and further surroundings”.
It collaborates with associations and photographers from Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia. It organizes exhibitions, including open-type ones, where residents of Rzeszow can present their photos, as well as open air exhibitions, displays, workshops and presentations.
The Association is also in charge of Nierzeczywista
Gallery — the seat of the association, the RSF photo studio, which is the venue of Monday’s photo shoots, open to the public, photographic operations, displays, exhibitions and meetings.
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City Hall
The central square of the Old Town is the Market Square with the Town Hall and a well from the 17th century. The present Market is slightly diff erent from the original 15th-century appearance - only the three frontages are built-up with tenement houses that have undergone reconstructi on over the centuries.
There are hotels, restaurants, clubs, pubs, museums and various insti tuti ons. One of the more interesti ng is the tenement house No. 19. The fragments of brick-stone walls and Gothic arches and lintels discovered in the basement that can be seen in the Underground Tourist Route, date back to the beginning of the 15th and 16th centuries.
On summer evenings, near the Town Hall you can watch the performances of famous singers, music and vocal groups and dance troupes.
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The Rzeszów Cellars
Underground Tourist Route, 369 m long, runs under the tenant houses and the Market Square. It consists of 25 basements and 15 corridors, reaching up to 10 m deep under the ground, named to refl ect their functi on and the town’s history. You can fi nd there the relics of medieval walls, signs of fi re, remains of iron bars and hinges, few hundred’s years old hand shaped bricks, hidden passages.
In lowe parts various goods were stored and during the Tatar invasions and wars they consti tuted a shelter for the inhabitants of the castle. There is a Tourist Informati on Desk at the entrance to the Underground Tourist Route.
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The Fara Church
The church probably existed before 1363, but it was destroyed during the great fi re. Only the Gothic presbytery, dati ng back to the beginning of the 15th century, remained. In the fi rst half of the 17th century a belfry was erected, and in 1754 the main aisle was rebuilt, lateral aisles were added and it was given a baroque décor. In the chancel there are gravestones of the Rzeszow’s families. In the years 1962-1965 a thorough restorati on of the church took place.
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3 Maja Street
The oldest street in Rzeszow’s old town, at the same time the most representative.
There is the fara church, the Piarist convent, the statue of Tadeusz Nalepa, many dining options, “Zorza” cinema - the oldest cinema in the city. The street before the partitions was called Pijarska. On the map from 1826 it is listed as Expiaristengasse, or popijarska, but two years later it was already known as Herrengasse - Pańska street. In the interwar period, despite having the official name of “3 Maja” it was called “Pańska” and also “Paniega”.
After the renovation in 2017, the street gained a pre-war look. As a result of the archaeological work carried out at the house No. 14, a window of time has been created showing how the street surface has changed over the centuries.
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The Piarist Monastery
The Piarist Convention included a church, a monastery and a school. The postpiarist complex featres the church of St. Cross in the centre, built between 1644-1649 according to the design of Tylman of Gameren. It is a one-nave temple with two towers in the facade and a chapel on the north side. Late baroque decor with stucco decorations by Jan Ch. Falconi from the end of the 17th century. In the chancel, at the entrance to the sacristy, there is a mausoleum of the Lubomirskis family.
In the monastery building there is now the Regional Museum, with rich collections in the fields of art, history, ethnography and archaeology, exhibited in the form of permanent exhibitions (e.g. Galeria Dąbskich) or temporary exhibitions. In the old refectory you can see frescoes from the end of the 17th century.
The Piarists founded the Collegium Ressoviense next to the monastery in 1658. Fr. Stanislaw Konarski taught here - currently the patron of Secondary School No. 1. The school is one of the oldest in Poland. Many of its students were glorified on the pages of Polish history and in culture. Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Jozef S. Pelczar, Wladyslaw Sikorski, Władysław Szafer or Julian Przyboś.
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The Lubomirski Summer Palace
The Lubomirski Summer Palace was built by the efforts of Hieronim A. Lubomirski, and designed by Tylman of Gameren. Located in close proximity to the Lubomirski
Castle, it has undergone many redevelopments over the centuries. It has not retained its original architecture, nor the baroque gardens that used to be around it. The District Medical Chamber is located here nowadays.
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Art Nouveau Villas
There are Art Nouveau Villas at al. Pod Kasztanami: No. 6 - built in 1903, designed by eng. K. Hołubowicz, eclectic, with a rich facade and a bust of A. Mickiewicz in the niche; and two Swissstyle villas, designed by T. M. Tekielski: No. 8 (1899) and No. 10 (1900), called Pod Sową, on which there is a sundial with the sentence: You see the hour, yet you do not know the hour.
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Ethnographic Museum in Rzeszow
The Franciszek Kotula Ethnographic Museum - Branch of the Regional Museum in Rzeszow documents all the manifestati ons of life of the old inhabitants of the countryside.
The Museum collecti on contains not only agricultural tools and household items, but also women’s and men’s outfi ts worn by Lesioki, Rzeszowiacy and Pogorzanie. Here are numerous exhibits representi ng the former inhabitants of the village. Museum collecti on is enriched with source documents and ritual att ributes. Also, the collecti on of folk instruments, oft en made by country musicians themselves, is of great historical value. The archives of the history of folk culture consti tutes an integral part of the Museum.
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The Lubomirski Castle
The construction of the castle was started at the end of the 16th century by the contemporary owner of Rzeszow - Nicholas Spytek Ligęza. In the second half of the 17th century the Lubomirskis expanded the castle and encamped it with a stone wall with bastions.
It owes its current appearance to the last redevelopment performed at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. At present, the castle houses the District Court. Transformation of the castle nto a cultural institution is being planned at the moment.
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Multimedia Fountain
At the foot of the Castle is there is the Rzeszow Multimedia Fountain. The main attraction of the fountain complex are water jets dancing to the music and foggy water screen, where audience can watch film, laser and 3D presentations.
Next to the fountain there is an amphitheatre, where you can watch spectacles, which are a combination of music, light and moving water.
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Round Footbridge
Round footbridge is the only object of this type in Europe. In addition to its innovative shape, it is distinguished by the selection of finishing materials: specially bent and hardened glass, elevator shafts, exotic wood, resistant to changing weather conditions alongside illumination of the whole object.
This unique structure was created over the intersection of al. Piłsudskiego and Grunwaldzka St.- one of the most frequented places of the main communication artery in Rzeszow. Thanks to its location, the footbridge provides an excellent viewpoint.
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Bernardine Monastery Complex
Bernardine monastery with The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church was established in the first half of the 17th century. Originally it was the site of a wooden church, built in 1536. In the chancel there are gravestones of the Ligęza family.
At the Shrine of Our Lady of Rzeszow - Patroness of Rzeszow - there is a late Gothic figurine of Our Lady with the Child from 1513. In 2008 the church received the title of Minor Basilica.
At the foot of the Monastery there are Bernardine Gardens arranged in Italian style. They are open every day 7:00-21:00.
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