• Kiyo Cafe in the summer
    Provided by: Pavlo Syrnikov/ArrivalGuides
  • coffee, pink macaroons and flowers on a wooden bench
    Provided by: Svetlana Kuznetsova/unsplash
  • coffees and cheesecake
    Provided by: Alina Kovalchuk/unsplash

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Blend Station

Blend Station

Blend Station is the standard hangout place for laptop warriors and creative types. Fast WiFi and interesting people are what will make you come back here day after day. This stylish and modern espresso bar offers excellent fair-trade Mexican coffee and plenty of delicious breakfast and lunch options. The original location in Condesa was so popular that there is now a second branch on calle Puebla. Blend Station also has collaborations with Chop Chop bicycle stores around CDMX.
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