• Pohorska Kavarna Coffe
    Provided by: Paolo Massa

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Gledališka Kavarna

Gledališka Kavarna

The theatre’s coffeehouse of Maribor or “Gledaliska Kavarna” was founded in 1987. It is the meeting point for all passionate admirers of culture in Maribor. The theatre’s coffeehouse is located in the heart of the small city Maribor beneath a cathedral church, the city park and the university. Its timeless elegance and relaxed ambience are the reason why people visit the coffeehouse. It enables them to flee the stressful lifestyle of these days. The theater’s coffeehouse is opened daily. Breakfast, coffee, cakes, lunch and dinner as well as snacks are served. Additionally, literature evenings help our guests to relax and let their mind spread. Welcome to Maribor! Welcome to the theatre’s coffeehouse of Maribor – Gledaliska Kavarna! Team of Gledaliska Kavarna | The theatre’s coffeehouse of Maribor aims to work together with local traders. We put a lot of love into our meals and beverages. You can choose within a great variety of morsels, breakfast variations, organic lemonades, homemade ice-teas, flamboyant coffee variations and cocktails. It is not possible to book a table during a performance. At any other time we are happy to reserve a table for you.
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