Provided by: Region Gotland

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S:ta Maria domkyrka
The guide was updated:Visby’s beautiful cathedral is both a place of worship and a cultural treasure. The construction of the cathedral began in the late 12th century, funded by the fees paid by German ships using the port of Visby. Since 1572 it has been the Diocesan church of Visby, and in 2003 it also became the cathedral abroad for the Church of Sweden.
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Almedalen is and has long been a meeting place in Visby. Once this place was the city's port. Today, the lush park is a nice relaxing place to spend some time in.
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The Powder Tower is the oldest tower in the city wall and built in the 1100s. It provided protection for the harbour during the Middle Ages when Almedalen was a harbour. The tower was named Powder Tower in the 18th century when the Swedish state stored gunpowder in the tower.
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The Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden was founded in 1855 and has since been a popular oasis in Visby. Here you'll find many unusual plants, for example, fig tree, mulberry tree and also a large selection of roses, some of the roses even bloom well into late autumn.
The garden is open all year round. No entrance fee.
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Visby ringmur
Visby town wall is about 3.5 km long and is the best preserved town wall in northern Europe. The wall is about 11m high, built in different stages and it was completed in 1288. It takes about 45 minutes to an hour to walk around the wall.
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Gotlands Museum
At Gotland Museum you can see the unique picture stones, gold and silver treasures, authentic medieval interiors among a lot of other things. 8000 years of rich history from Stone age, Viking Age, the Middle Ages until present times. Exhibitions reflect the cultural history of Gotland.
Open daily all year round.
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Through the reconstructed rampart walk you can climb a tower of the wall and get a nice view.
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S:t Nicolai ruin
In the year 1226 the Dominican friars also known as the black friars came to Visby and St Nicholas church. The Dominican monks stayed in Visby until 1525 when the church and convent was burnt down during a German attack against the city.
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Kyrkberget och Klinten
If you walk up the steps next to the St Maria Cathedral, you will have a stunning view over Visby and the Baltic sea from "Kyrkberget".
Klinten, meaning the cliff, on which small cottages were built for the poorer population in the late 1700s is today a well preserved area under heritage protection.
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S:ta Maria domkyrka
Visby’s beautiful cathedral is both a place of worship and a cultural treasure. The construction of the cathedral began in the late 12th century, funded by the fees paid by German ships using the port of Visby. Since 1572 it has been the Diocesan church of Visby, and in 2003 it also became the cathedral abroad for the Church of Sweden.
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Stora torget och S:ta Karins ruin
Stora torget is the main square where you find restaurants and bars.
S:ta Karin is an impressive church ruin with high arches. The church and convent was founded in 1233 by the Franciscans. Nowadays.
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S:t Drotten och S:t Lars ruins
Two medieval ruins open in summer.
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Strandpromenaden - Take a walk along the sea front
Strandpromenaden runs nothwards from the harbour along the shoreline for about 5 kilometers. It´s a wonderful route all year round - balmy summer sunsets, impressive autumn storms and crisp winter walks. Whatever the time of year it´s difficult not to be entranced.
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Gotland Tourist Information Centre
The Tourist Information Centre is in the heart of Visby, on Donners plats just next to Almedalen. They love helping visitors and giving up-to-date advice on what´s giong on in Visby and across the island. You might want to know which beach would suit you the best, where you find the nearest sea stack to Visby or the easiest way to get to Fårö by public transport. They know everything that´s giong on and everything you mustn't miss on Gotland and their genuine expertise is a rich source of help, ideas and inspiration. The tourist Information Centre also has souvenirs, books, gifts and lots of inspiring information about Gotland, not to mention help buying tickets for events, bus passes and booking last-minute accommodation. World-class personal service in other words!
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Shopping in Visby
Visby has a large selection of shops, you find most of them at Adelsgatan, Hästgatan, S:t Hansgatan och Östercentrum.
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Eat & Drink
Visby has more restaurants per head of population than anywhere else in Sweden. In other words if you love food and drink you´ve come to the right place! Flavours from all around the world blend with local ingredients in trendy eateries and cosy, atmospheric dining rooms. A popular dessert is saffron pancake with whipped cream and dewberry jam (salmbärssylt). Most restaurants are located at Donners Plats, Strandgatan, Wallérs Plats and Stora Torget.
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