Our travel guides are free to read and explore online. If you want to get your own copy, the full travel guide for this destination is available to you offline* to bring along anywhere or print for your trip.
*this will be downloaded as a PDF.Price
Lühmanns Teestube
Guiden blev opdateret:Praktisk information
- Adresse: Blankeneser Landstrasse 29, 22587 Hamborg
- Åbningstider: mandag-fredag 9-11, lørdag 9-18, søndag 10-23
- Websted: www.hamburg-travel.com/shopping-enjoying/restaurants-cafes/luehmanns-teestube/
- Telefon: +49 40 86 34 42
Digital Travel Guide Download
Our travel guides are free to read and explore online. If you want to get your own copy, the full travel guide for this destination is available to you offline* to bring along anywhere or print for your trip.
*this will be downloaded as a PDF.Price



Café Paris

Public Coffee Roasters

AHOI Strandkiosk


Lühmanns Teestube


Café Geyer


Due Baristi Espressobar

Stockholm Espresso Club

Café Johanna


Café Gnosa

BioKonditorei Eichel

Less Political

Luicella´s Ice Cream
