


格拉茨 – 奥地利美食与文化之都,出门实用提示:要探游格拉茨,最好穿上舒适的鞋子和宽松衣服。因为,虽然这个城市不大,属于奥地利第二大城市,有人口 25 万,不算个“大城市”,但大大小小的街巷逛下来,不亚于一次长途跋涉。舒适的鞋袜多少能减轻点脚的疲劳。在历史老城里,它的道路、街道、广场和庭院,有很多值得探索更值得享受的地方,因为格拉茨既是座美食之都,看过之余,还应该尝一尝。
Autumn and winter colours
地中海的阿格德角, 法国

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.


在迈阿密,一切都洋溢着魅力、优雅,充满了世界各地的趣事。 闪耀的迈阿密位于弗罗里达最南端的大西洋海岸,全年日照充足,温暖舒适。 这座北美洲城市融入了加勒比的气息、拉丁美洲的风情和欧洲的气质,这使迈阿密拥有充满生机的文化生活。 拥有风景如画的海滩、美妙绝伦的夜生活、丰富多彩的购物和美味难挡的餐厅。 尽管在城市里和海滩上有许多事情可做,进行一次一日游也十分方便,可以欣赏迈阿密周围令人惊叹的自然风光。
Five Days in Dubai
迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.


尽管澳门在中国大陆的半岛上只占 28 平方千米,澳门却是一个景点甚多、风格多样的地方。 从霓虹闪耀的赌场到夜幕下的市场,从耸丽的高楼大厦到青翠的公园,从鹅卵石街道到现代的咖啡厅和巴洛克式的教堂,再到摩登的建筑,尽显东方和西方、古老和现代的神奇相融。 三十座大厦和广场被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产,并且许多反映了葡萄牙对澳门殖民化过程中留下的遗产、食物、悠闲的生活方式、甚至铺就蓝色纹饰锦砖的街道名称。 澳门也具有一副现代亚洲的风貌,可以和新加坡干净的街道和香港的立交桥和桥梁相媲美。
Three Days in Dubai
迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.
Main Square & City Hall
格拉茨, 奥地利

Main Square & City Hall

In brilliant white the bride steps into the square before Rathaus town hall in a cascade of flowers and rice. Just across, a lively hip-hop show. The market stalls offer juices and sausages with mustard – scenes from the heart of the city, the Hauptplatz of Graz, cradled among magnificent buildings crowned by the town hall of Graz. It’s an impressive backdrop for the city’s colourful bustle and focal point for visitors and residents alike. From here you can reach all of the attractions of Graz in a jiffy.


澳大利亚的黄金海岸是一个充满无限乐趣并且多样化的城市,白天可提供内容丰富的活动,晚上趣味横生,每年有超过一千万游客慕名而来。 家人、夫妻、业务代表和独自旅行者都会找到适合自己需要和预算的体验,因为黄金海岸能够提供比南半球任何其他地方更多的景点和休闲场所。 海岸线长达 70 公里,阳光、沙滩和海浪近在咫尺,并且驱车行驶一小段路程便可到达列入世界遗产名录的 100,000 公顷雨林地带,进入黄金海岸,您将体验到轻松惬意的生活方式。
Painted House
格拉茨, 奥地利

Painted House

A wall-tattoo on Herrengasse street? Sure! On the façade of the Herzoghof building in the centre of Graz, Greek and Roman Gods engage in a rendez-vous. The building was first painted as early as 1600. The Baroque painter Johann Mayer applied the ‘divine’ frescos in 1742, since which time it has been known as the ‘painted house’. If you take a moment to immerse yourself in the images, you enjoy an intense sense of submersion right there in the middle of the urban hustle and bustle.
Schell Collection - Lock and Key Museum
格拉茨, 奥地利

Schell Collection - Lock and Key Museum

The key to happiness – could you find it here? The Schell Collection, Austria’s museum of locks, keys, coffers, ornamental boxes and ornate cast iron, and also the biggest specialist museum of its kind in the world. Find the answers to questions such as “Why is there a key on a pocket watch chain?” or “Why would you need a funeral casket key?” … and “Are you sure that you found all of the secret compartments in your great grandfather’s desk?”