


澳大利亚最古老的葡萄酒产区是一个美丽绝伦的地方。 从美酒佳肴到优雅的住宿环境,再到各种精彩绝伦的活动,猎人谷 (Hunter Valley) 度假胜地将让您品味美好的生活。 澳大利亚最热门的葡萄酒产区是 150 家顶级酒庄、葡萄园和酒窖的所在地。 无论您是打算品尝葡萄酒,在猎人谷的某个日间水疗中心中尽情享受一下,还是在锦标赛高尔夫球场上挥杆开球,您都将受到猎人谷热情的乡村式的欢迎。


Autumn and winter colours
地中海的阿格德角, 法国

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.


塔斯马尼亚是位于世界边缘的一个小岛。 它很小,似乎很容易逛完,然而当您作进一步探索时,就会感觉它大得深不可测,这里有着多样的风景,让您有无尽的发现。 您在这里能呼吸到世界上最洁净的空气,聆听有关早期囚犯生活的故事;乘船出海,游览陡峭的海崖;在酒窖门口啜饮威士忌;然后,尽享从牧场直达餐盘的新鲜特色美食。 在塔斯马尼亚,一切皆有可能。
Five Days in Dubai
迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.
Three Days in Dubai
迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.


格拉茨 – 奥地利美食与文化之都,出门实用提示:要探游格拉茨,最好穿上舒适的鞋子和宽松衣服。因为,虽然这个城市不大,属于奥地利第二大城市,有人口 25 万,不算个“大城市”,但大大小小的街巷逛下来,不亚于一次长途跋涉。舒适的鞋袜多少能减轻点脚的疲劳。在历史老城里,它的道路、街道、广场和庭院,有很多值得探索更值得享受的地方,因为格拉茨既是座美食之都,看过之余,还应该尝一尝。
Main Square & City Hall
格拉茨, 奥地利

Main Square & City Hall

In brilliant white the bride steps into the square before Rathaus town hall in a cascade of flowers and rice. Just across, a lively hip-hop show. The market stalls offer juices and sausages with mustard – scenes from the heart of the city, the Hauptplatz of Graz, cradled among magnificent buildings crowned by the town hall of Graz. It’s an impressive backdrop for the city’s colourful bustle and focal point for visitors and residents alike. From here you can reach all of the attractions of Graz in a jiffy.
Schell Collection - Lock and Key Museum
格拉茨, 奥地利

Schell Collection - Lock and Key Museum

The key to happiness – could you find it here? The Schell Collection, Austria’s museum of locks, keys, coffers, ornamental boxes and ornate cast iron, and also the biggest specialist museum of its kind in the world. Find the answers to questions such as “Why is there a key on a pocket watch chain?” or “Why would you need a funeral casket key?” … and “Are you sure that you found all of the secret compartments in your great grandfather’s desk?”
Graz Opera House
格拉茨, 奥地利

Graz Opera House

Brandishing a sword for the Opera House. Next to the imposing white edifice on Ringstrasse street skirting Graz city centre, the “Lichtschwert” sculpture stands for the protection of human rights. At the same time, it stands in agitating contrast with the neighbouring Opera House and is proof of the city’s cultural awareness. Formerly the city theatre, the Opera House itself is now a splendid stage for breathtaking productions in Graz ranging from musical theatre to ballet.