• 目的地

Winter in Skövde

Winter in Skövde

Vintern är sedan länge borta, men här kan du både minnas en bra säsong med många snöiga dagar och se fram emot en ny säsong i Skövde. Sommaren närmar sig och bjuder på ett helt annat Skövde, välkommen hit året om! / The winter is long gone, but here you can remember a good season with a lot of snowy days, and look forward to a new one. The summer is approaching and offers a totally different Skövde, welcome here all year round!
Skövdefilmen/A film about Skövde

Skövdefilmen/A film about Skövde

Välkommen till Skövde och upplev pulsen, de vackra omgivningarna och den spännande kulturen./Welcome to Skövde and experience the pulse, the beautiful surroundings and the thrilling culture.
Bloomington Foodie

Bloomington Foodie

Bloomington, MN showcases four restaurants in Bloomington, MN. Also, showcased is Summit Brewery in St. Paul, MN. These restaurants show how their food comes from Minnesota. The showcased Bloomington, MN restaurants are Firelake Grill in Radisson Blu Mall of America, Twin City Grill in Mall of America, Parma 8200 in Bloomington, David Fongs in Bloomington.
Bloomington Kids

Bloomington Kids

Family Fun for you and your family at Mall of America. Never have to leave because there is a Radisson Blu hotel attached to Mall of America. Fun attractions including Nickelodeon Universe, mini golf at Moose Mountain, SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium and much more!
Hamburg Cruise Days DE

Hamburg Cruise Days DE

Freuen Sie sich auf ein Kreuzfahrt-Event der Superlative vom 1. bis 3. August 2014: Die Hamburg Cruise Days bieten Schiffe aus nachster Nahe und Kreuzfahrt-Feeling live – drei Tage voll maritimer Stimmung, sinnlicher Genusse und Unterhaltung. Sechs Kreuzfahrtschiffe werden Hamburg wahrend der Hamburg Cruise Days anlaufen und im Hafen vor Anker gehen. Die Licht-Inszenierung Blue Port von Kunstler Michael Batz taucht den nachtlichen Hafen in magisches blaues Licht, die Hafenkante selbst wird zur Erlebniswelt und ladt zum entspannten Spaziergang durch unterschiedliche Themeninsel mit kulinarischen Highlights, zubereitet von den Top-Gastronomen der Stadt.
Hamburg Cruise Days

Hamburg Cruise Days

Look forward to a superlative cruise ship event from August 1 - 3, 2014: the Hamburg Cruise Days offer impressive ships at close quarters and live cruise feeling – a stunning three days simply packed with maritime atmosphere, delicious food and drink, and great entertainment. Six cruise ships will be calling in on Hamburg during the Hamburg Cruise Days to anchor in the port. The Blue Port illuminations by artist Michael Batz will bathe the harbour in a magical blue light, the dockside itself will become a cruise experience, creating the perfect setting for a relaxed stroll through different themed islands with culinary highlights prepared by some of the city’s best restaurants.
Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019

Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019

The proclamation of Plovdiv European Capital of Culture 2019 has launched a number of campaigns and activities giving the city entirely new appearance. This is the first Bulgarian city chosen to be European cultural center for a whole year!
Donau.verändert, Linz

Donau.verändert, Linz



Linz an der Donau ist eine innovative Stadt der Gegenwart. Hier verbinden sich Kultur, Architektur, Natur und Wirtschaft zu einem harmonischen Ganzen. Die Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2009 trägt den Slogan „Linz.verändert," und lebt diesen.
Feel Zadar

Feel Zadar

FEEL ZADAR Apart from the five known traditional senses, there are some which are beyond description. One such is the sense of astonishment by the beauty of another being, event or place. Copyright KREATHIA studio & ZADAR TOURIST BOARD 2014
Copenhagen - Shopping & Design

Copenhagen - Shopping & Design

A taste of all the nice shopping and design in Copenhagen.