• Resmål

Bruges in 60 seconds

Bruges in 60 seconds

This is #Bruges in 60 seconds. Video by Basel Photography & Film: Baselfilms.be
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Comic Strip in Brussel
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Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest

Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest

Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest
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VISITBRUSSELS: Winterwonders Iceberg

VISITBRUSSELS: Winterwonders Iceberg

Winterwonders Iceberg
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Brussels Ice Magic -  Making of

Brussels Ice Magic - Making of

Brussels Ice Magic
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VISITBRUSSELS: Meilleurs Voeux 2014 - Beste Wensen 2014 - Best Wishes 2014
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VISITBRUSSELS : Eat! Brussels 2013

VISITBRUSSELS : Eat! Brussels 2013

Eat! Brussels 2013 gastronomy - gastronomie
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VISITBRUSSELS: Be 25 Be Iris Be Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Be 25 Be Iris Be Brussels

Fete de l'Iris - Bruxelles Irisfeest - Brussel
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VISITBRUSSELS: Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels

Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels
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VISITBRUSSELS: Tapis de Fleurs - Bloementapijt - Flower Carpet in Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Tapis de Fleurs - Bloementapijt - Flower Carpet in Brussels

You won't believe your eyes. When you pass through one of the seven entrances into the Grand Place, you will be presented with a brilliant spectacle. Stretchingout over 2,000 m2, the floral display will positively glow with sparkling colours arranged in subtle designs.
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VISITBRUSSELS: Fête de la BD / Stripfeest

VISITBRUSSELS: Fête de la BD / Stripfeest

Fête de la BD / Stripfeest
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Eye on Amsterdam

Eye on Amsterdam

Eye on Amsterdam
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Familiy Vacation in Nuremberg

Familiy Vacation in Nuremberg

A family holiday in Nuremberg guarantees excitement and fun! Take the whole family with you and discover Nuremberg at its best. It will never be boring!
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Christmas City Nuremberg

Christmas City Nuremberg

C H R I S T M A S. Perhaps the scents from your childhood come to mind right now, when you remember aniseed, cinnamon and carnations? Maybe you get a warm, comfortable feeling inside, thinking of the candlelight? Perhaps you are thinking about people dear to you, who have given you pleasure? We can promise you that a visit to Nuremberg before Christmas will arouse your warmest memories. Nuremberg in the run-up to Christmas is the anticipation of quiet hours with your family and friends. Because Nuremberg is Christmas city. |There are 1001 reasons to fall in love anew with the Christmas city of Nuremberg. For some it's the delicious aroma of far-eastern spices in the world-famous Nuremberg gingerbread. For others it's the Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt, where you can hunt for glass Christmas tree baubles, hand-made tinsel angels or nativity figurines and nutcrackers made of wood. For the passionate international shopper there are many exclusive boutiques and shops with original ideas for presents and for the little ones there is the children's Christmas and the Sternenhaus (House of Stars). |If you're lucky it might even be snowing on your stroll through the festive illuminations of the Christmas city of Nuremberg. One thing is certain, however, you will take unforgettable memories back home with you.
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Nuremberg Events

Nuremberg Events

The event calender of Nuremberg is packed with unique and special events throught the year. Nuremberg’s musical life has much to offer, spanning the annual International Nuremberg Organ Week ION, Europe's largest and oldest festival for sacred music.
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Winter Lights Fostudagur

Winter Lights Fostudagur

Amazing Days of Darkness in Reykjavik! The long winter days of darkness in Reykjavik are to be illuminated magnificently at the city's next annual Winter Lights Festival. From 6 - 15 February 2014, the festival promises another superb collection of sparkling events, all delivered with our customary commitment to quality and diversity. Prepared to be amazed by the dramatic interplay of darkness and light at the Winter Lights Festival 2014! vetrarhatid.is
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Places4You – Walderlebnispfad

Places4You – Walderlebnispfad

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Places4You Thingstätte

Places4You Thingstätte

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Mausbach Ziegelhausen
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Der Riesenstein
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Die Neckarwiese
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Neuenheimer Marktplatz
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A Tour of New Orleans, Louisiana with Chef Tory McPhail

A Tour of New Orleans, Louisiana with Chef Tory McPhail

New Orleans blends flavors from the Bayou, Gulf of Mexico, France and Spain to create an unmatched culinary experience unique to the USA. Chef Tory McPhail of Commander's Palace shares all that he loves about bright and bustling New Orleans, Louisiana. Connect with us on our social channels. Like Visit The USA: http://Facebook.com/VisitTheUSA Follow Visit The USA: http://Twitter.com/VisitTheUSA Follow Visit The USA: http://Instagram.com/VisitTheUSA
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Wintertime on Idre Fjäll, Sweden

Wintertime on Idre Fjäll, Sweden

Welcome to Idre in wintertime!
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Umeå - with a lot of passion

Umeå - with a lot of passion

Umeå - with a lot of passion.
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Astrid Lindgrens Värld i Vimmerby SWE

Astrid Lindgrens Värld i Vimmerby SWE

Presentation av Astrid Lindgrens Värld. Astrid Lindgrens Värld ar Sveriges största utomhusteater dar sagor blir verklighet. Ni vistas i välkända miljöer och varje dag spelas teaterstycken med scener från böckerna. Parken erbjuder manga spännande lekplatser och ni träffar Pippi Långstrump, Ronja Rövardotter, Emil i Lönneberga och alla de andra på riktigt.
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Virum Moosepark

Virum Moosepark

Virum Moose Park - the unique moose experience. Come and see the moose and deer in their natural habitat. Come on board the safari trailer and take a guided tour in the beautiful surroundings. You will be able to get very close to the animals and you will have an unforgettable experience. In the "Älglogen" you can enjoy a coffee break and purchase moose souvenirs in the cosy, old fashioned surroundings.
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Pafos Region

Pafos Region

Beautiful countryside, a cosmopolitan resort, historic sights as well as sporting activities, the Pafos Region has something for everyone at any time of the year. Whether you are a sunseeker, an explorer or someone looking for relaxing holiday with great scenery, there are so many reasons to visit this beautiful part of Cyprus.
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Guided boattour to Kungsholmen Fortress

Guided boattour to Kungsholmen Fortress

Together with Drottningskär Citadel on Aspö has the Kungsholm Fortress guarded the entrance to Karlskrona for more than 300 years. Join us for a unique and exciting world heritage experience!
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