Enjoy your holidays around Cap d'Agde Méditerranée!
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Head to Cap d'Agde Méditerranée!
Beaches, culture, heritage, sports, wine and food, nature: the key words to your holidays in Cap d'Agde Méditerranée.
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Die Neckarwiese
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Pafos Region
Beautiful countryside, a cosmopolitan resort, historic sights as well as sporting activities, the Pafos Region has something for everyone at any time of the year.
Whether you are a sunseeker, an explorer or someone looking for relaxing holiday with great scenery, there are so many reasons to visit this beautiful part of Cyprus.
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Ultimate Beach Holiday
Let the warm rays and cool waters of the Arabian Gulf wash over you in Dubai. Whether you want to dive straight in with extreme watersports or simply lounge in the sunshine at prime waterside spots, this city promises a beach holiday like no other.
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Let's go! Dubai is calling..
Feel the beat of Dubai, a city of infinite possibilities. Get ready to scale new heights, dive into the deep and wander along paths less travelled to discover unique urban charms and beachside bliss. It’s time to start living that adventure you’ve been waiting for.
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Think you can’t experience the best of Dubai in a day? Challenge accepted! Follow our guide to experience an unforgettable 24 hours in the city.
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Les Estivales de Pézenas
Wine and local products festival at night in the summer season. Free musical entertainment.
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Festival Boby Lapointe
A festival based on French singers and composers.
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Nous sommes allés au salon nautique au Cap d'Agde
Large boat exhibition and sale in Cap d'Agde.
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Nous sommes allés à la brocante à Pézenas
In May and October, a whole day dedicated to antique bargain hunting in Pézenas.
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We went to Vinocap
Discover the largest wine fair in southern France, with more than a local hundred producers.
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Cap d'Agde Méditerranée
Discover a destination on the Mediterranean with sandy beaches, historical sites, the Canal du Midi and much more.
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Travel video of Basel
This video was created in cooperation with Travel Me Happy and Switzerland Tourism. We will take you through Basel and you will see many breathtaking places such as: The iconic Minster, the beautiful Rhine and the verious museums. Enjoy!
#LoveBasel #BaselSwitzerland
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Salzburg for 48 hours
Crisscrossing Salzburg in two days
The fortress, Mirabell Gardens, plus a whole entourage of other sights practically around every corner, are magnets for visitors to Salzburg. And because everything in the city is so compact, a two-hour stroll through Salzburg’s streets will fly by in no time. It’ll seem like you are chalking off yet another attraction from your must-see list every five minutes or so.
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Beaches in Dubai - Beach Vacation
Dubai’s glorious sandy beaches, warm Arabian Gulf waters and year-round sunshine are the perfect ingredients! Discover the world’s most stunning beach resorts in Dubai.
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Spa in Dubai - Spas and Relaxation in Dubai
In Dubai, relaxation and indulgence often go hand in hand, with world-renowned spas providing sanctuary from the city bustle.
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7 Days In Dubai
Visit an icon like the Burj Khalifa, enjoy family thrills at Dubai Parks and Resorts, discover the new City Walk shopping district and finish it off with a night of culture at Dubai Opera. Visit Dubai for a weeklong adventure.
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48 hours in Rotterdam
A couple of days in Rotterdam? Keen to explore Rotterdam but not sure where to start? Let this video inspire you and discover how you can get the most out of Rotterdam in 48 hours.
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Alicante, Bella, Mediterránea, Única
Comprehensive video on Alicante as a truly mediterranean tourist destination
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Mamaia Official Movie
Welcome to Mamaia!
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Karlshamn - En plats för liv och lust SWE
Karlshamn är en livfull och charmig kuststad med en spännande historia och skärgården inpå knutarna. Ute på öarna och längs havsbandet vimlar det förstås av smultronställen men ta dig gärna inåt landet också. Där väntar gröna skogar och sköna upplevelser. I Karlshamn finns det mycket att roa sig med och mycket att se, oavsett vad du gillar.
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Karlshamn - So very alive
Karlshamn is a lively and charming coastal town with a fascinating history and a stunning archipelago on its doorstep. There are naturally many beauty spots among the islands and along the coast, but explore a little further inland and you will find leafy forests and great days out. There is no shortage of things to see and entertain you in Karlshamn itself, whatever your tastes.
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 2: Söderslätt SWE
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson reser till Skånes sydvästra delar, Söderslätt och spanar in bokskogarna, lyssnar på spökhistorier från Svaneholms slott, äter gott på Hallongarden, besöker Sveriges sydligaste udde for att sedan avsluta med en runda i Vikingabyn.
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Welcome to Skåne!
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 5: Ystad & Österlen SWE
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson reser till det mytomspunna Österlen i Skåne dar han bland annat besöker Sandhammaren (Sveriges basta strand), roar sig på sommarlandet Tosselilla, fikar på Olof Viktors (som fått utmärkelsen 'årets svenska konditori'), vandrar runt i ekoparken på Christinehofs slott samt besöker vid Ales stenar (Vad det nu är for något?).
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 3: Lund SWE
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson reser till Lund och experimenterar på Vattenhallen Science Scenter, ser sig runt i domkyrkan, besöker Kulturen och upplever hur det var att bo förr.
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 1: MittSkåne SWE
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson beger sig ut i MittSkåne för att ta reda på hur bra det verkligen är för barnfamiljer. Under resan besöker han bland annat Skånes Djurpark, Grottbyn, Bosjökloster och Leksaksmuséet i Eslöv.
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 4: Nordvästra Skåne SWE
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson ar i nordvästra Skåne och upplever den dramatiska naturen kring Kullaberg och konstverket eller "världens bästa lekland", Nimis. Han hinner även med att klättra ner i Lahibiagrottan, äta en god kakbuffé på Albertsgården, besöka järnvägsmuseet i Ängelholm och självklart Europas vackraste park, Sofiero slottspark.
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Uppdrag Skåne - Del 6: Nordöstra Skåne SWE
I det sista avsnittet av Uppdrag Skåne åker semestertestaren Valle Westesson till dom nordöstra delarna av Skåne dar han upplever Kristianstad vattenrike, äter en ordentlig burgare på ett 50-tals diner i Bromölla, åker på fossilsafari vid Skånes största sjö och sist men absolut inte minst gör ett besök i den 20.000 kvm stora Tykarpsgrottan (dar for övrigt delar av Ronja Rövardotter spelades in).
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Welcome to Södertälje
Welcome to Södertälje
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My Tallinn - Pirita
High quality short video introducing Tallinn as a tourist destination for families. Getting a burst of adrenaline in the highest spot in the whole Estonia - Tallinn TV Tower, relaxing on a calm boat trip on Pirita River, ending up the day at Pirita Beach.