Our travel guides are free to read and explore online. If you want to get your own copy, the full travel guide for this destination is available to you offline* to bring along anywhere or print for your trip.
*this will be downloaded as a PDF.Price
Den jødiske kirkegården
Guiden ble oppdatert:Nyttig informasjon
- Adresse: Largo Cocco Griffii, 10 - 56127 Pisa
- Nettside: www.pisaebraica.it
Digital Travel Guide Download
Our travel guides are free to read and explore online. If you want to get your own copy, the full travel guide for this destination is available to you offline* to bring along anywhere or print for your trip.
*this will be downloaded as a PDF.Price

Torre Pendente (Det skjeve tårnet i Pisa)

Orto Botanico

Camposanto (Gravlund)

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo (Katedral museet)

Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale

Piazza dei Cavalieri

I Lungarni

Den jødiske kirkegården

Museo Nazionale di San Matteo

Cantiere delle Navi antiche di Pisa (Byggeplass for antikke skip)

San Rossore nasjonalpark og gods.