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Drop anchor in Karlskrona, the city founded in 1680, when Charles XI decided to build the country's new naval base here. 340 years later, the naval base remains, and the well-preserved architecture and city plan impressed Unesco, which gave Karlskrona World Heritage status in 1998. Wherever you go, you can see magnificent churches and squares, parade streets and fortifications that attract visitors from all over the world. All this on several islands in an archipelago that Unesco has designated as one of seven biosphere reserves in Sweden.

Destinazione 1 Risultato


In English
Vigo, a port city in Spain's north-west set scenically on the bank of Ria de Vigo estuary, is the world's largest fishing port. Vigo enjoys fine seafood fresh from the Atlantic, as evident in its numerous cozy taverns. The wildly beautiful Cies Islands, along with one of the world's finest beaches, Rodas, are only a short ferry trip away.

Paese 4 Risultato



In English

Sri Lanka

In English

Trinidad and Tobago

In English