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Destination 2 Résultat
Cape Verde's unique geographic location, tumultuous history of slavery and invasion, and fascinating mix of transatlantic cultures have given rise to a place unlike any other on the globe. A place as joyful as it is full of longing, a fact perhaps best reflected in Cape Verdean music and the hauntingly beautiful 'morna'. The sometimes harsh, drought-prone conditions of this mid-Atlantic scattering of islands have seen the flourishing of a fascinating Creole culture and the most stable democracy in Africa.

In English
Vigo, a port city in Spain's north-west set scenically on the bank of Ria de Vigo estuary, is the world's largest fishing port. Vigo enjoys fine seafood fresh from the Atlantic, as evident in its numerous cozy taverns. The wildly beautiful Cies Islands, along with one of the world's finest beaches, Rodas, are only a short ferry trip away.