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It is easy to overlook this small island-nation, having, as it does, such powerful and flashy neighbours as Qatar and the Emirates, but to ignore Bahrain would be a huge mistake. It is an emerging power in the region, with all the luxury and worldliness of a cosmopolitan destination and all the charm and personality of a small island. Add to this the growing arts scene and burgeoning international cuisine in the country, and you have the newest prime travel destination in the region, and the most socially liberal one, to boot.
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Catalonia's second city is many things: medieval stronghold, university city, party town, and modern urban centre. The Old Quarter, with its majestic cathedral, winding alleys and ancient city walls bring the Middle Ages to life, while the modern neighbourhoods across the River Onyar showcase Girona's cosmopolitan side with chic restaurants and cafes, superb shopping and vibrant nightlife. It is no wonder that for years running, Girona has been voted the best place to live in Spain.
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Autumn and winter colours
Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée, France

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.
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Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée

Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée

Destination Cap d'Agde Mediterranean Cape of Agde Mediterranean Alliance between land and sea Cap of Agde Mediterranean is located In the south of France, in Occitania, a region that enjoys 300 days of sunshine a year; everyone agrees that it is a great holiday destination. It is made up of 3 complimentary seaside resorts:Cape of Agde, Vias and Portiragnes, with fine sand and volcanic beaches, beaches bordered by pine forests, and an authentic hinterland with towns and villages with a well kept heritage, with living tradtions and varied arts and crafts professions. Featuring Pézenas, the town of Molière, Agde, the Ancient Phocaean trading post or Montagnac, the great mediaeval fair town. The Canal du Midi is the backbone of the Cap d'Agde Mediterranean passing through it from one end to the other. There are so many entertainment and cultural events on offer that you’ll keep wanting to come back throughout the year. It also offers 20km of coastline, partly wild and partly developed, fine sandy beaches, a natural environment made up of parks, pine forests, closely protected marine areas, historical monuments, astonishing heritage, top quality sporting facilities and is a and is a permanent whirl of activity.
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Graz – Austria’s culinary and cultural capital. A practical tip from the start: If you want to explore Graz, wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing. Why? Even if Graz is actually small — the second-largest city in Austria with a quarter of a million resident by no means a “big city” — you should be prepared for the fact that time also flies in the many short lanes. Comfortable footwear goes easy on busy feet here. In the historic old town with its roads, streets, squares and courtyards there’s lots to explore and even more to enjoy.
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Five Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.
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Have you ever had occasion to fall in love with a city? If not, Poznan will take your heart with its unique treasures, which stand dreamily watching their own reflections in the fast flowing Warta River. Here, history and tradition interweave with modernity offering you everything from bustling tourist attractions to idyllic hideaways. The city is perfect for romantic getaways. Even if you walk the cobbled streets alone, you will be swept away by the magic that has given Poznan a reputation for being Poland’s most popular small-big city.
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Three Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.
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Main Square & City Hall
Graz, Austria

Main Square & City Hall

In brilliant white the bride steps into the square before Rathaus town hall in a cascade of flowers and rice. Just across, a lively hip-hop show. The market stalls offer juices and sausages with mustard – scenes from the heart of the city, the Hauptplatz of Graz, cradled among magnificent buildings crowned by the town hall of Graz. It’s an impressive backdrop for the city’s colourful bustle and focal point for visitors and residents alike. From here you can reach all of the attractions of Graz in a jiffy.
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Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

The Wild Atlantic Way is the world's longest and arguably most spectacular coastal driving route. Follow the rugged, winding coast line to discover otherworldly landscapes; coves and islands, beaches and bays, cliffs and villages. Get lost in the wilderness and raw beauty of this unique place. To make the most of your epic journey, follow our 30 point route beginning in the northernmost point of Ireland--Malin Head, Donegal--heading south through Mayo, Galway, Clare, and Kerry to Ireland's most southerly point: Mizen Head, Cork.
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Land Sailing
Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

Land Sailing

Thanks to steady wind conditions, the east coast of Bonaire is ideal for land sailing (or blokarting) almost all year round. The sport has origins going back to the ancient Egyptians, and it makes for a fun and eco-friendly activity that anyone can try after a short training session. Weather is usually not an issue — and with friendly winds, you will reach a speed of 30–40 km/h — but be sure to keep an eye on the forecast just in case.
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