• Destinations

The Hogueras de San Juan Festival

The Hogueras de San Juan Festival

This is the city’s most important celebration, officially declared as of International Tourist Interest. Its origin lies in the tradition of burning useless objects with the arrival of the summer solstice. fiestasThroughout the city, over 200 large satirical papier mache statues are set up. These will go up in smoke on the 24th June during the spectacular “Night of Burning” or “Noche de la Crema“, alongside the popular “Banya” or “soaking” as firefighters put out the blazes.
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This is Antwerp - Antwerp by night

This is Antwerp - Antwerp by night

Belgian beer, galleries, performances, dj's, dancing, bars, music: only in Antwerp!
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Zagorje wine path labyrinth is magical. Unforgettable, because it spreads on top of the hills, with a breath taking view. Inspiring, because it is composed of sunny green vineyards, wooden huts, calloused hands and welcoming smiles. Irresistible, because it combines the tastes of juicy roasted turkey with carefully cultivated wine cards. Pleasant, because the wind carries the sounds of domestic songs through the hills. In such labyrinth no one is lost.
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Why Zaragoza?

Why Zaragoza?

Zaragoza is the capital of Aragon and the main city of the Ebro Valley, its privileged position converts it into a crossroads of natural paths and at an equal distance from Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Bilbao. The city counts on an international airport and a railway network with the high-Speed line (AVE). This tourist destination has a delicious gastronomy and a rich heritage of historical monuments, with the impressive Basilica del Pilar and Cathedral of San Salvador, the 11th century Aljaferia Palace, the astonishing paintings of the universal artist Goya or the important examples of the Mudejar style - UNESCO Heritage of Mankind -, among others.
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Gone with the wind - Travemünde Kite Festival

Gone with the wind - Travemünde Kite Festival

The kites are flying! The kites will be flying high over Travemünde's beach once again. Professionals and amateurs alike send kites of every type into the sky. The kite flyers must contend with the autumn wind, while the newly designed Strandpromenade offers spectators the best possible vantage point for the colourful event on the beach. Refreshments will naturally be on offer as well. Children can make their own kites and kite chains under supervision in the “Spielmobil”.
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Travemünde - Lübeck's prettiest daughter

Travemünde - Lübeck's prettiest daughter

Big ships, fine sandy beaches and the pure feeling of the Baltic Sea – that’s Travemunde.|Stroll around the beautiful seaside resort, from the old harbour to the north mole – past the huge|ferries and smart cruise vessels from all over the world. Enjoy a coffee on the Vorderreihe (sea front),|the promenade and Travemunde’s most beautiful shopping mall, and try your luck in Travemunde‘s|famous casino. In the breezy heights of the old lighthouse you get a panorama view of the Trave estuary, and a trip on a|traditional ship offers you a real adventure! You could take the passenger ferry to the peninsula Priwall and spend a relaxing day on the beach.
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