• DAF Musem, Eindhoven
    Provided by: Ronald van der Graaf/cc by 2.0/Flickr

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Van Gogh House - Zundert

Van Gogh House - Zundert

The Vincent van Gogh House: a living arts centre in the birthplace of Brabant’s most famous artist ever, stands on the spot where Vincent van Gogh came into the world on 30 March 1853. The protestant Van Gogh spent his childhood years in catholic Zundert, not far from the Belgian border. A reticent and introvert boy, he was educated at home and it soon became clear that Vincent was ‘different’. In the Vincent van GoghHuis you can experience how his time in Zundert moulded him and eventually enabled him to mature to become a world-famous artist. “A must see if you want to know Van Gogh” Vincent’s life had a tough beginning. As the son of the minister Theodorus van Gogh, he quickly became an outsider in the catholic village. He could often be found in the large garden with his younger brother Theo. He would have a wonderful time outdoors, but could also take comfort in it. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why the countryside played such a large role in Van Gogh’s later work? More than a museum In the permanent presentation ‘Vincent van Gogh – the Roots of a Master’, Vincent will take you by the hand and lead you through a re-enactment of his youth and you can learn more about his struggle with faith. Changing exhibitions show the enormous influence of Van Gogh on 20th and 21st century artists, modern art enthusiasts are therefore very much catered for. In addition, the Van GoghHuis has an artist in residence scheme, where an artist can literally step, and live, in Van Gogh’s footsteps every day! Heritage locations in Brabant The Vincent van GoghHuis has its own VVV (Tourist Information) counter and is of course one of the five Van Gogh Heritage locations in Brabant. You can also get to the Van GoghHuis by bike via the Van Gogh Cycle Route that connects all the heritage locations in Brabant.
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City walks - Heusden

City walks - Heusden

In the booklet 'Dagje Heusden' there are two self-guided city walks including a map of the fortress. The booklet gives you information about the history of the fortress and the historic buildings that you will pass along the way. The two routes can be walked independently. Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours. The 'Through The City' (Door de Stad) walk starts at the Visitor Centre, taking you past the historic Catharijnekerk, by national monuments and beautiful old buildings in the town, alongside windmills and over the towns ramparts. The second walk, 'Fortifications' (Vestingwerken) also starts at the Visitor Centre and goes along the bastions and fortifications, past the historic cannons, the windmills and the marinas. Every Sunday afternoon you have the option to go on a guided tour with a “City Guide”. The guide will tell you about the town’s history, the fortifications, about the restoration of the city and the striking buildings. The start is always at 2:30pm at the Visitor Centre at Pelsestraat 17 in Heusden, and takes around 75 minutes.
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Vincentre - Van Gogh Museum Nuenen

Vincentre - Van Gogh Museum Nuenen

The village of Nuenen is also known as Van Gogh Village, and rightly so. There isn’t a place in the Netherlands where you can tread in the footsteps of this famous painter quite so literally. Here, stories about Van Gogh are still vividly told, his letters are available for reading, and there are no fewer than fourteen locations which have been immortalised by Van Gogh in a picture or a painting. Experiencing Van Gogh’s life in the Netherlands so intensely is not possible anywhere else. “The museum is a gem” In the Vincentre museum you will hear all about Van Gogh and read his own stories about Nuenen, where he lived and worked from 1883 to 1885. Who was he, how did he live, who did he socialise with, and why was he so passionate about Nuenen? It will all become clear during an educational tour with an audio guide in no fewer than eight languages: Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Chinese. In the village itself, no fewer than 23 locations have a direct link with Van Gogh. Together, they form a walking and cycling route with interactive informational signs in Dutch and English. From The Potato Eaters to The Starry Night The Potato Eaters is based on a scene that Van Gogh saw at the house of a peasant family in Nuenen. It literally comes to life in theatre Het Klooster. The world famous designer Daan Roosegaarde designed, based on Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, the now famous and unique Van Gogh-Roosegaarde cycle path, for which thousands of twinkling stones were incorporated in the asphalt. This cycle path, between Nuenen and the nearby city of Eindhoven, is part of the Van Gogh Cycle Route. Heritage locations in Brabant This cycle route connects the five Van Gogh heritage locations in Brabant, which of course include Nuenen. You won’t get any closer to Van Gogh than this. Or, as one of our enthusiastic guests wrote about Nuenen: “The same view that Van Gogh had!” Come and experience the place in which Van Gogh was inspired by the rural Brabant countryside, easily accessible at no more than ten kilometres away from Eindhoven, city of technology and design.
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Boat tour Wiljo - Heusden

Boat tour Wiljo - Heusden

In July and August you can make boat tours on the Maas River, from the fortified town of Heusden. The tour boat, Wiljo, departs from the Molensteiger, the windmill base at the harbour at 13.30 and 15.00. The route runs along the Maas River and passes through the Heusden Canal (a man-made section of the river), past the village of Wijk & Aalburg and into the “dead end“ of the original Maas River and, after an hour of sailing, the boat returns to Heusden. Various drinks can be bought on board, both on the upper deck and in the cosy room below deck.
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Van Gogh Church - Etten-Leur

Van Gogh Church - Etten-Leur

Located in the centre of Etten-Leur, the Van Gogh Church offers a fascinating glimpse into what is probably the least known period in Vincent van Gogh’s life, but certainly not the least important! ‘The start of a career’ This is the church where Van Gogh’s father was minister for seven years and where Van Gogh could regularly be found. Vincent van Gogh first registered as an artist in Etten in 1881. For nine months he lived and worked in the parsonage behind the Dutch Reformed Church. He also had his first drawing studio here. ‘Precious memories’ In the Van Gogh Church you can see how Vincent wrestled with drawing but became better at it through sheer hard work. How he was infatuated by his cousin Kee Vos and the drama which then unfolded. How he had arguments with his father. How he left Etten at Christmas 1881 but never forgot it. ‘Around the Van Gogh Church’ All these unusual stories are told in and around the Van Gogh Church. Nine colourful windows, multilingual information panels, showcases, animation, a film, a garden, an oversized portrait wall and audio columns take you back in time. The ‘Van Gogh in virtual reality’ is new: you will be immersed in an almost a real life encounter with Vincent van Gogh through a computer simulated environment. Van Gogh Shop The Van Gogh Shop has a large variety of souvenirs. It is also the ideal starting point for a Van Gogh walk or a cycle trip through the surrounding area. Van Gogh heritage location The Van Gogh Church and Van Gogh Shop (Markt 4) are within walking distance from the bus and railway stations. There is a multi-storey car park very close to the church. The locations are also on the Van Gogh Cycle Route that connects the five heritage locations in Brabant with each other.
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Loonse and Drunense Dunes - Heusden

Loonse and Drunense Dunes - Heusden

Cyclists are welcome in these inland sand dunes, on the beautiful wide cycle paths or on the mountain bike trail, but the park is especially suitable to explore on foot or with a dog, if kept on a leash. With the help of the marked hiking routes you can explore the area on your own. It is advisable to bring a walking map so that you do not get lost! For mountain bikers, unpaved bike paths and routes have been set out and horse riding is possible on the marked riding trails (and free riding over the sand). Mountain bikers and riders need a permit, available at Natuurmonumenten, the surrounding catering establishments and riding schools.
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Discover the Burgundian culture - 's-Hertogenbosch

Discover the Burgundian culture - 's-Hertogenbosch

Discover the real Bossche hospitality and its unique Burgundian culture! Are you looking for a real culinary highlight? Visit one of the popular restaurant areas in 's-Hertogenbosch' city centre: the Uilenburg, the Korte Putstraat, and the Parade. Even outside these three areas, 's-Hertogenbosch has a lot to offer. The city centre is packed with lively bars, and unique restaurants. Whether you go for drinks, have some snacks, or go for a real unforgettable dinner, 's-Hertogenbosch has it all. With a wide array of cuisines, there is something for everyone. Can you resist temptation?
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Countryside - Tilburg

Countryside - Tilburg

Tilburg is one of the ‘greenest’ cities of the Netherlands. The countryside around Tilburg features some of the best nature that the Netherlands has to offer and is perfect for just getting out there and leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind you for a moment. Areas like ‘De Oude Warande’, Stadbos013, Spoorpark, Moerenburg and Leijpark are sure to offer you pretty brilliant moments of lush nature. Find out how to get there by clicking the website.
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