• St. Magdalene's Church
    Provided by: Visit Bruges / Jan D'Hondt

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Groeninge Museum

Groeninge Museum

The Groeninge Museum provides a varied overview of the history of Belgian visual art, with the top-class paintings by the world-renowned Flemish Primitives as the highlight. In this museum you can see, amongst other masterpieces, Madonna with Canon Joris Van der Paele by Jan van Eyck and the Moreel Triptych by Hans Memling. It is one of the most beautiful collections in the world, containing many landmark works from the history of European art. You can also marvel at gems from Renaissance and Baroque masters, Bruges neo-classical canvasses from the 18th and 19th centuries and masterpieces by the Flemish expressionists.
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Gruuthuse Museum

Gruuthuse Museum

After its thorough renovation, the palace of the lords of Gruuthuse now leads you through three crucial periods in Bruges’ history: the Burgundian heyday, the lesser-known 17th and 18th centuries, and the historical ‘reinvention’ of the city in the 19th century. These periods are brought to life through a varied collection of objects, each one telling its own story. Don’t miss out on the authentic medieval prayer chapel, which overlooks the choir of the Church of Our Lady.
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The most striking tower in Bruges dates back to the 13th century. It is 83 metres high and is protected as a world heritage site. Anyone who climbs all 366 steps will be rewarded with a stunning view over the city and its surroundings. On your way up, you can pause at the treasury, which held the city’s charters, seals and coffers during the Middle Ages. A few steps further on you will see the impressive music drum that operates the carillon and the keyboard used by the city carillonneur to play the tower’s 47 carillon bells. Bruges’ Belfry has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1999.
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City Hall

City Hall

The monumental City Hall (1376-1421) is one of the oldest in the Low Countries. It is from here that the city has been governed for more than 600 years. An absolute masterpiece is the Gothic Hall, with its impressive vault and 20th century murals depicting the history of Bruges. The adjacent historic hall sheds further light on the governance of Bruges over the centuries, using original documents and paintings. On the ground floor, you are brought face to face with life-size portraits of the city’s rulers and can also learn more about the evolution of the Burg.
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Basilica of the Holy Blood

Basilica of the Holy Blood

The 12th century Basilica of the Holy Blood consists of a lower and an upper chapel, dedicated to Our Lady and Saint Basil. The lower chapel has preserved its original character and is therefore a rare example of Romanesque architecture in the coastal region. The Neo-Gothic interior of the upper chapel is home to the relic of the Holy Blood and boasts a treasury with numerous valuable works of art. Owing to the special veneration attached to the relic, the church was elevated to the status of a basilica in 1923.
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Bladelin Court

Bladelin Court

Pieter Bladelin, treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece, ordered the construction of this city palace in 1435. Before the end of the 15th century, a subsidiary of the Florentine Medici Bank was already housed here. The stone medallion portraits of Lorenzo de’ Medici and his wife, which are among the first Renaissance works of art in Bruges, decorate the atmospheric inner courtyard. Reverend Leon de Foere established his lace school here at the beginning of the 19th century and expanded the domain by adding a chapel in the Classical style. He also had paintings (late 16th/early 17th century), replicas from the Raphael Rooms in the Vatican, hung in one of the halls.
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Lace Centre

Lace Centre

The Lace Centre has been housed in the renovated old lace school of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. The story of Bruges lace is told in the lace museum on the ground floor. Multimedia installations and testimonies from international lace experts help to explain the various different types of lace and their geographical origin, and focus on the lace industry and lace education in Bruges. Demonstrations (2pm–5pm, not on Sunday) and various courses are organised in the lace workshop on the second floor.
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Historium Bruges

Historium Bruges

In the Historium, you quite literally step back in time. In different ways you will be able to learn about the vibrant city of Bruges during the Golden Century. Historium Story tells the love story of Jan van Eyck’s apprentice, Jacob. After that, you can discover more about Bruges in the Middle Ages in the Historium Exhibition. Historium Virtual Reality takes you back to the year 1435, allowing you to sail virtually into the old city port, where you will fly past the Water Halls and the Saint Donatian’s Church, both of which have long since disappeared. The Historium Tower takes you up the 30-metre high Neo-Gothic tower for a stunning view over the Markt.
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