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Cap d'Agde Méditerranée in spring and summer

Cap d'Agde Méditerranée in spring and summer

Enjoy this Mediterranean destination with 3 seaside resorts: Cap d'Agde, Vias and Portiragnes, a beautiful scenic hinterland made of small authentic villages and a historic town Pézenas with an exceptional heritage; the landscapes remind of Tuscany with gorgeous vineyards, pine trees and garrigue. The south full of flavours and peace.
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Head to Cap d'Agde Méditerranée!

Head to Cap d'Agde Méditerranée!

Beaches, culture, heritage, sports, wine and food, nature: the key words to your holidays in Cap d'Agde Méditerranée.
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Hamburg Cruise Days

Hamburg Cruise Days

Look forward to a superlative cruise ship event from August 1 - 3, 2014: the Hamburg Cruise Days offer impressive ships at close quarters and live cruise feeling – a stunning three days simply packed with maritime atmosphere, delicious food and drink, and great entertainment. Six cruise ships will be calling in on Hamburg during the Hamburg Cruise Days to anchor in the port. The Blue Port illuminations by artist Michael Batz will bathe the harbour in a magical blue light, the dockside itself will become a cruise experience, creating the perfect setting for a relaxed stroll through different themed islands with culinary highlights prepared by some of the city’s best restaurants.
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Holy Hamburg

Holy Hamburg

Die Adventszeit ist für jeden einzelnen von uns die schönste Zeit des Jahres. Plätzchen und Schokolade zum Frühstück sind erlaubt, der Glühwein taut die Gemüter auf und ein Meer aus Lichtern verwandelt die graue Landschaft in eine funkelnde Traumwelt. Wieso also versuchen der schönsten Zeit des Jahres zu entfliehen? Es ist doch viel einfacher – und außerdem schöner – sich der Magie der Adventszeit hinzugeben. The Advent season is the most beautiful time of the year – for each one of us and for many different reasons. Biscuits and chocolate for breakfast are totally acceptable, mulled wine lights up the hearts and minds, and a sea of light transforms monochrome landscapes into a sparkling winter wonderland. So why would anyone wish to escape to sunnier climes? In fact, it is much easier – and more heart-warming – to truly immerse yourself in the magic of the festive period. #HolyHamburg
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Hamburg, die Metropole am Wasser gilt nicht umsonst als eine der schönsten Städte Deutschlands. Die Landungsbrücken sind Ausgangspunkt für Ihre atemberaubende Reise durch das Tor zur Welt, dem Hamburger Hafen, vorbei an der märchenhaftschönen, historischen Speicherstadt, gefolgt von Hamburgs neuem Wahrzeichen, der Elbphilharmonie, und der neu erbauten hochmodernen HafenCity. The metropole at the waterfront is extraordinary: the distinct maritime character, the international outlook and the cosmopolitan attitudes make the Hanseatic City of Hamburg one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Hanseatic elegance on Elbe and Alster, the historic Town Hall, the UNESCO Speicherstadt and Kontorhausviertel, the nightlife on the famous red-light district Reeperbahn and the traditional Hamburg fish market are outlining the diversity of Hamburg as a tourist destination.
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STADT.KÜSTE - Hamburg von seiner  rauen und schönen  Wasserseite

STADT.KÜSTE - Hamburg von seiner rauen und schönen Wasserseite

STADT.KÜSTE steht für das Hamburger Leben an der Elbe: die authentischen Menschen. Die Schiffe. Der geschäftige Hafen. Die Häuser mit Weitblick. Die Strände mitten in der Stadt. Das allgegenwärtige Wasser. Sie steht für Heimatgefühl und Fernweh. Für Tradition und Moderne. Für das Raue und für das Schöne der Stadt. Für etwas, das ständig in Bewegung ist und dennoch Ruhe vermittelt. #STADT.KÜSTE
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URBAN.SHORE - Hamburg from its rough and beautiful waterside

URBAN.SHORE - Hamburg from its rough and beautiful waterside

URBAN.SHORE represents Hamburg life next to the Elbe: the authentic people. The ships. The busy harbour. Buildings with panoramic views. The beaches inside the city. The omnipresent water. It stands for a sense of home and wanderlust. For tradition and innovation. For something that is constantly in motion and yet still exudes tranquillity. #URBAN.SHORE
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Salzburg for 48 hours

Salzburg for 48 hours

Crisscrossing Salzburg in two days The fortress, Mirabell Gardens, plus a whole entourage of other sights practically around every corner, are magnets for visitors to Salzburg. And because everything in the city is so compact, a two-hour stroll through Salzburg’s streets will fly by in no time. It’ll seem like you are chalking off yet another attraction from your must-see list every five minutes or so. https://www.salzburg.info/en/magazin/city-feeling/48-hours-in-salzburg_a_301561
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Nantes take the journey!

Nantes take the journey!

Nantes - city of every possibility!
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Le Voyage à Nantes 2020

Le Voyage à Nantes 2020

Film created by MRCYZK ET MORIZEAU for the summer 2020
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Art in the city

Art in the city

Playful and creative, Nantes has been totally turned upside down by art! Visit the Castle of the Dukes of Brittany and the Machines de l’île, a very original artistic project with the Grand Elephant, the Carrousel of the Marine world and the Galerie des Machines. Le Voyage à Nantes: In July and August, the atmosphere of the city gets a bit more electric than usual with 40 art installations, playgrounds, exhibitions and more!
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Eggenberg Palace

Eggenberg Palace

A prestigious palace at the outskirts of Graz. Make sure to stroll through the garden to see the peacocks!
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Donau.verändert, Linz

Donau.verändert, Linz

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Feel Zadar

Feel Zadar

FEEL ZADAR Apart from the five known traditional senses, there are some which are beyond description. One such is the sense of astonishment by the beauty of another being, event or place. Copyright KREATHIA studio & ZADAR TOURIST BOARD 2014
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