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Tallinn's must see sights

Tallinn's must see sights

Tallinn's postcard-like Old Town attracts many visitors from near and far. It is the contrast of medieval and modern, historic and contemporary, relaxing but still being connected to Wi-Fi. While in Tallinn you should take time to see some incredible museums, but it is also a must to sit and relax in one of the many cosy cafes to get the feel of the city.
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My Tallinn - Old Town

My Tallinn - Old Town

High quality short video introducing Tallinn as a tourist destination for families. Sights from the medieval Tallinn City Wall to Town Hall Square and hidden gems in the oldest part of the city.
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Tallinn Old Town - authentic & romantic

Tallinn Old Town - authentic & romantic

Experience Tallinn's medieval Old Town, its charming winding streets and relaxing atmosphere. Take a stroll in the UNESCO listed fairy-tale-like old city and watch the modern world go by while sitting in the romantic cafe. There are countless little design and handicraft boutiques for shoppers, great historical architecture for history buffs and plenty of towers to climb for the adventurous visitors.
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Tallinn - City of Music

Tallinn - City of Music

High quality short video introduces Tallinn as a city with vibrant music scene that offers excellent experiences from opera and contemporary music to pop and alternative genres. In 2015 Estonia celebrates The Year of Music, making Tallinn one of the hot spots of live music in Europe. In this video music by Heino Eller, Hortus Musicus, Erkki Sven Tüür, Kadri Voorand, Vaiko Eplik and Carl Orff has been used. Presented by Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau, produced by OÜ Pult and Timo Steiner.
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Nuremberg - City of History

Nuremberg - City of History

Nuremberg is definitely a city of history. Some may think of Nuremberg as a Renaissance city of European standing where artists and men of learning such as Albrecht Durer and Willibald Pirckheimer worked, where Martin Behaim devised the first world globe, and where Peter Henlein made a fob watch tick for the first time. All those images make up the many-faceted mosaic of Nuremberg. Others may remember the Nuremberg Trials and the city abused by the Nazis as the City of the Nazi Party Rallies. With its rich historical heritage and cultural scene, Nuremberg is a destination well worth a visit.
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