• Reiseziele

Ontmoet onze locals: Jochem, de rebel [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Jochem, de rebel [DUTCH]

Jochem Daelman is één van de stichtende leden van Onkruid. Een studio die expertise in architectuur, marketing, muziek en cultuur combineert om creatieve interventies te doen in steden. In Leuven organiseren ze onder meer het tweejaarlijkse and&festival, ontwierpen ze een plein in de nieuwe hippe Vaartkom, en zijn ze één van de drijvende krachten achter Stelplaats, een experimenteerplek voor jongeren.
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Recontrer nos habitants: Jochem, le rebel [FRENCH]

Recontrer nos habitants: Jochem, le rebel [FRENCH]

Jochem Daelman est l'un des membres fondateurs d'Onkruid, un studio qui propose une combinaison réussie d’architecture, de marketing, de musique et de culture pour lancer des projets originaux dans les villes. À Leuven, Onkruid est notamment derrière des projets comme l' and& festival,un événement bisannuel, et la réalisation d'une place dans le nouveau quartier branché du Vaartkom. L'organisation constitue également l'une des forces motrices derrière Stelplaats, un lieu d'expérimentation pour les jeunes.
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Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Jochem, der rebell [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Jochem, der rebell [GERMAN]

Jochem Daelman ist eines der Gründungsmitglieder von Onkruid. Dieses Büro kombiniert Fachkenntnisse in Architektur, Marketing, Musik und Kultur, um Städte durch kreative Aktionen mitzugestalten. In Leuven organisieren sie unter anderem das zweijährlich Andfestival, sie haben einen Platz für das neue hippe Stadtviertel Vaartkom entworfen und sind die treibende Kraft hinter Stelplaats, einem Ort für kreative Projekte von Jugendlichen.
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Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Jochem, el rebelde [SPANISH]

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Jochem, el rebelde [SPANISH]

Jochem Daelman es uno de los miembros fundadores de Onkruid, un estudio que combina experiencia en arquitectura, marketing, música y cultura, con el fin de realizar intervenciones creativas en las ciudades. En Leuven, el estudio organiza, entre otras cosas, el and&festival bienal, diseñaron una plaza en el nuevo y moderno Vaartkom, y es una de las fuerzas impulsoras del Stelplaats, un lugar experimental para los jóvenes.
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Ontmoet onze locals: Gie, de cafébaas [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Gie, de cafébaas [DUTCH]

Iedereen kent Gie in Leuven. Van op een feestje in zijn legendarische fuifzaal de Rumba of van een pintje in zijn volkscafé Leuven Central. Zoals hij zelf zegt is hij ‘gebeten door de horecamicrobe’. Hij weet perfect wat de Leuvenaar wilt: ‘echte Stella en goeie koffie. Da’s de basis.’ En als ’t van hem afhangt serveert hij die tot hij er bij neervalt.
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Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Gie, Café-chef [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Gie, Café-chef [GERMAN]

Jeder in Leuven kennt Guy. Von einer Party in seinem legendären Festsaal Rumba oder von einem Bier in seinem Traditionslokal Leuven Central. Er sagt von sich selbst, dass er „mit dem Gastronomievirus infiziert“ ist. Und er weiß genau, was der Leuvener will: „Echtes Stella und guten Kaffee. Das ist die Basis.“ Wenn es nach ihm geht, serviert er diese bis zum Umfallen.
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Meet our locals: Gie, the pub owner [ENGLISH]

Meet our locals: Gie, the pub owner [ENGLISH]

Everyone knows Gie in Leuven. From a party in his legendary party space, the Rumba, to a beer in his popular pub Leuven Central. As he says himself, he’s ‘bitten by the hospitality microbe’. He knows perfectly what the people of Leuven want: ‘real Stella and good coffee. That’s the basis.” And if it were up to him, he’d serve it until he passed out from exhaustion.
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Meer our locals: Linde, the baker [ENGLISH]

Meer our locals: Linde, the baker [ENGLISH]

Linde owns the Korst bakery in Hal 5. She has her own personal take on bread, and on food in general. At Korst, she searches for a new formula for a centuries-old craft. The result? Delicious sourdough bread. It is no coincidence that her bakery is in Leuven; after wandering all over Europe, Linde chose this place because she can collaborate with BoerEnCompagnie, a community-supported agricultural cooperative, and use the local products it provides. And because she found a space in Hall 5: empty, historic railway halls that were transformed into a vibrant, urban, sustainable place to meet others and to settle down.
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Ontmoet onze locals: Linde, de bakker [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Linde, de bakker [DUTCH]

Linde is eigenaar van bakkerij Korst in HAL 5. Ze heeft een hele eigen visie op brood en voeding in het algemeen. Met Korst gaat ze op zoek naar een nieuwe formule voor een eeuwenoude stiel. Het resultaat? Overheerlijk zuurdesembrood. Haar bakkerij ligt niet toevallig in Leuven. Na omzwervingen in gans Europa koos Linde deze plek omdat ze hier kan samenwerken met de lokale producten van BoerEnCompagnie, een CSA – coöperatieve. En omdat ze een ruimte vond in HAL 5. Deze leegstaande historische spoorweghallen werden omgevormd tot een bruisende, stedelijke en duurzame broed- en ontmoetingsplek.
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Recontrer nos habitants: Linde, le boulanger [FRENCH]

Recontrer nos habitants: Linde, le boulanger [FRENCH]

Linde possède la boulangerie Korst installée dans le Hal 5. Elle a une vision bien particulière du pain et de l'alimentation en général. Avec Korst, elle a voulu réinventer un savoir-faire séculaire. Résultat : de délicieux pains au levain. Le choix d'installer sa boulangerie à Leuven ne relève pas du hasard. Après diverses pérégrinations à travers toute l'Europe, Linde a choisi cet endroit afin de pouvoir travailler avec les producteurs locaux de la BoerEnCompagnie, une coopérative qui fait partie du réseau CSA. Et puis elle a trouvé un local adapté dans le Hal 5. Ces halles ferroviaires désaffectées ont été transformées en un espace de rencontres urbain, durable et dynamique.
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Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Linde, der Bäcker [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Linde, der Bäcker [GERMAN]

Linde ist Eigentümerin der Bäckerei Korst in Hal 5. Sie hat ihre eigenen Ansichten über Brot und Lebensmittel im Allgemeinen. Mit Korst sucht sie nach einem neuen Konzept für ein jahrhundertealtes Handwerk. Das Ergebnis? Herrliches Sauerteigbrot. Ihre Bäckerei ist nicht zufällig in Leuven. Nach Erfahrungen in ganz Europa entschied sich Linde für diesen Ort, weil sie hier mit den lokalen Erzeugern von BoerEnCompagnie zusammenarbeiten kann, die solidarische Landwirtschaft praktizieren. Und weil sie Räumlichkeiten in Hal 5 fand. Diese leerstehenden historischen Eisenbahndepots wurden in einen pulsierenden, urbanen und nachhaltigen Treffpunkt für Kreative und Kreatives verwandelt.
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Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Linde, el Panadero [SPANISH]

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Linde, el Panadero [SPANISH]

Linde es propietaria de la panadería Korst en el Hal 5. Ella tiene su propia visión sobre el pan y sobre la comida en general. Con Korst se ha lanzado a la búsqueda de una nueva fórmula para un oficio centenario. ¿El resultado? Un delicioso pan de masa fermentada Su panadería no se encuentra en Leuven por casualidad. Después de vagar por toda Europa, Linde eligió este lugar porque aquí puede colaborar con los productos locales de BoerEnCompagnie, una cooperativa CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Y, por supuesto, porque encontró un local en el Hal 5. Estas salas de ferrocarril históricas y vacías se transformaron en un lugar de encuentro y creación vibrante, urbano y sostenible.
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Salzburg for 48 hours

Salzburg for 48 hours

Crisscrossing Salzburg in two days The fortress, Mirabell Gardens, plus a whole entourage of other sights practically around every corner, are magnets for visitors to Salzburg. And because everything in the city is so compact, a two-hour stroll through Salzburg’s streets will fly by in no time. It’ll seem like you are chalking off yet another attraction from your must-see list every five minutes or so. https://www.salzburg.info/en/magazin/city-feeling/48-hours-in-salzburg_a_301561
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Greater Raleigh Dining

Greater Raleigh Dining

Heralded by Southern Living magazine as one of the "Top 10 Tastiest Towns in the South", Raleigh offers visitors an extensive selection of culinary crafts that feature local ingredients and unique twists on Southern classics.
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Meet me in Dubai: Fashion Blogger Kat LeBrasse

Meet me in Dubai: Fashion Blogger Kat LeBrasse

Experience Dubai's fashion scene with local fashion blogger and style icon Kat Lebrasse.
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Meet me in Dubai: Art Gallery Owner

Meet me in Dubai: Art Gallery Owner

Ever wondered what it would be like to run a gallery in Dubai? Discover the unique artistry of Dubai with gallery and art hotel owner Mona Hauser.
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Meet me in Dubai : Golf Pro

Meet me in Dubai : Golf Pro

Find out what a day in the life of a Golf Pro in Dubai looks like. Discover this and more with our new series Meet me in Dubai.
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Meet me in Dubai : Surf House

Meet me in Dubai : Surf House

Ever wondered what it would like to be a surfer in Dubai? Watch the story of one Australian surfer who made Dubai his home.
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Meet me in Dubai : Dolphin Trainer

Meet me in Dubai : Dolphin Trainer

Ever wondered what it would be like to be a dolphin trainer at the marvelous Aquaventure at Atlantis The Palm? Find out with our new series Meet me in Dubai.
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Meet me in Dubai: A Desert Balloonist

Meet me in Dubai: A Desert Balloonist

Imagine if your job was to fly a balloon over the iconic desert of Dubai. Hear from balloonist Andrew Parker about the thrill of seeing Dubai from the sky in a hot air balloon.
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7 Days In Dubai

7 Days In Dubai

Visit an icon like the Burj Khalifa, enjoy family thrills at Dubai Parks and Resorts, discover the new City Walk shopping district and finish it off with a night of culture at Dubai Opera. Visit Dubai for a weeklong adventure.
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Adventure in Dubai - Sports and Outdoors

Adventure in Dubai - Sports and Outdoors

Start your day with a morning hot-air balloon ride over Dubai’s desert landscape. A desert safari is another popular venture, as is sand boarding on the Big Red dune. Whatever adventure you seek, Dubai delivers.
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Food in Dubai - Gastronomy and Fine Dining in Dubai

Food in Dubai - Gastronomy and Fine Dining in Dubai

Dubai boasts a rich food and gastronomic scene, from the street- side cuisine of Zaroob and legendary Ravi’s, to the celebrity chef outposts of Gordon Ramsay, Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Sanjeev Kapoor.
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Family Vacation - Family Vacation in Dubai

Family Vacation - Family Vacation in Dubai

Dubai is an ideal holiday destination for families, with theme parks, family beaches, brunches, waterparks, aquariums camel encounters and more to keep everyone happy. Visit Dubai!
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Dubai Culture and Heritage - History of Dubai

Dubai Culture and Heritage - History of Dubai

Emiratis are justifiably proud of their heritage. Local culture is still evident in day-to-day, from the call to prayer that rings across Dubai to the falconry and camel-racing industries, and the traditional souks.
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Spa in Dubai - Spas and Relaxation in Dubai

Spa in Dubai - Spas and Relaxation in Dubai

In Dubai, relaxation and indulgence often go hand in hand, with world-renowned spas providing sanctuary from the city bustle.
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Shopping in Dubai - Fashion and Shopping

Shopping in Dubai - Fashion and Shopping

Dubai is the city that never stops shopping! Shopping in Dubai is so much more than retail therapy. Dubai’s shopping malls and markets are more like mini metropolises.
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Beaches in Dubai - Beach Vacation

Beaches in Dubai - Beach Vacation

Dubai’s glorious sandy beaches, warm Arabian Gulf waters and year-round sunshine are the perfect ingredients! Discover the world’s most stunning beach resorts in Dubai.
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Top Indoor Thrills In Dubai

Top Indoor Thrills In Dubai

Enjoy the great indoors this summer in Dubai. Our shopping districts are filled with exciting things to do from Ski Dubai at Mall of the Emirates, to Green Planet at City Walk to the all-new Bounce at Al Quoz. Also, now open are our indoor theme parks like Motiongate at DPR and IMG Worlds of Adventure.
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Al Seef

Al Seef

Take a 360-degree look at Al Seef, one of the city’s newest and most captivating neighbourhoods. Historic architecture blends with modern Dubai – you can shop by day, dine by night and stroll along the peaceful Dubai Creek before checking into a unique boutique hotel.
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Aqua Fun

Aqua Fun

Did you know Dubai is home to the world’s largest inflatable aqua park? AquaFun has more than 72 obstacles just next to the beach, kids can run, jump and splash across the 5,000sqm aquatic playground. Check out a satellite map to see the obstacle course spell out “I ♥ Dubai”.
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Jump higher than you ever imagined at this freestyle playground. Battle gravity as you hop, skip and leap across a 3,000sqm network of connected trampolines, jump pads and obstacles. Whatever your age, you can bounce your way into fitness and try out new tricks in the foam pit.
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