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Autumn and winter colours

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.
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Five Days in Dubai

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.
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Three Days in Dubai

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.
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Speicherstadt (historisk kompleks af lagerbygninger)
Hamborg, Tyskland

Speicherstadt (historisk kompleks af lagerbygninger)

Den over et hundrede år gamle Speicherstadt i havnen er verdens største samlede kompleks af lagerbygninger. Her kan besøgende i Hamborg opleve et idyllisk sceneri af gotisk rødstensarkitektur fra Wilhelmineæraen med små bizarre gavle og tårne. Dyrebare varer opbevares ved kontrollerede temperaturer bag tykke mure: kaffe, te, kakao, krydderier, tobak – og verdens største lager af orientalke tæpper. Siden 2015 har Speicherstadt, Chilehaus og Kontorhausviertel tilhørt UNESCO's verdensarv.
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