• Rejsemål

Shopping in Exeter

Shopping in Exeter

Shop late in Exeter City Centre
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Rugby World Cup 2015 - Team Talk Advert

Rugby World Cup 2015 - Team Talk Advert

Rugby World Cup 2015 comes to the South West of England and together we can rock this festival. Let's make it something special. Too big to miss! feat. Charles Dance
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Armoury Museum

Armoury Museum

The world's largest collection of historic weapons, knights suits and armours.
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Eggenberg Palace

Eggenberg Palace

A prestigious palace at the outskirts of Graz. Make sure to stroll through the garden to see the peacocks!
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Children's Museum Frida & Fred

Children's Museum Frida & Fred

A unique museum entirely dedicated to children!
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Donau.verändert, Linz

Donau.verändert, Linz

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Linz an der Donau ist eine innovative Stadt der Gegenwart. Hier verbinden sich Kultur, Architektur, Natur und Wirtschaft zu einem harmonischen Ganzen. Die Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2009 trägt den Slogan „Linz.verändert," und lebt diesen.
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Feel Zadar

Feel Zadar

FEEL ZADAR Apart from the five known traditional senses, there are some which are beyond description. One such is the sense of astonishment by the beauty of another being, event or place. Copyright KREATHIA studio & ZADAR TOURIST BOARD 2014
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Zadar Region

Zadar Region

Zadar Region
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Christchurch & the Canterbury Region

Christchurch & the Canterbury Region

A few highlights from the amazing region Canterbury region and showing why Christchurch is number six in Lonely Planet's Top 10 Cities to visit in 2013. Song: ''Feels so good'' by Hera - herasings.com - www.fledge.co.nz
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Eye on Amsterdam

Eye on Amsterdam

Eye on Amsterdam
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The Lulea Way

The Lulea Way

The Lulea Way
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Experience Tenerife

Experience Tenerife

Tenerife culinary experience
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Miradores de la Esperanza

Miradores de la Esperanza

Best view point of Tenerife
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Blekinge - wonderful waters

Blekinge - wonderful waters

Blekinge wonderful waters… Our waters is our everything, warm coves, cold water depths, flowing streams, turquoise bays, cities build for the water, on the water.
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Karlskrona by air

Karlskrona by air

Experience Karlskrona from above!
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Blekinge by air

Blekinge by air

In Blekinge there are wonderful water with the sea appearing along the coast. There are powerful rivers, babbling brooks and tranquil lakes with navigable ice. We have water slides and soothing bath.||With a genuine authentic and close unexplored coastline that gives things to see and that brings joy and the feeling of being alive.||Collecting impressions in the lush archipelago which is northern Europe's nearest islands with World Heritage medal ancient cities and white sandy beaches. The feeling of sun on your skin, the taste of the food & beverage, and let themselves be captivated by the wilderness and our wonderful water.
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Eriksberg Vilt & Natur

Eriksberg Vilt & Natur

Eriksberg Vilt & Natur
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Berlin in Winter

Berlin in Winter

Discover the numerous possibilities that Berlin has to offer during winter time. The best of events, winter sports in the city, food and fashion.
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Green Berlin

Green Berlin

The unique mixture of bustling urban life and the tranquil oases is characteristic of Berlin. With its vast array of public parks, extensive woodlands, and scores of lakes and rivers, this capital city is no doubt the greenest metropolis in all of Germany.
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Gastronomy in Brussels

Gastronomy in Brussels

In Brussels, gluttony is a delicious sin, and its produce has soul. Pearl-coloured mussels, crisp chips, hypnotically-flavoured chocolate, a huge range of beers ranging from bitter to subtle. Taste Brussels in one of its leading establishments, pleasant restaurants or neo-cantines. For urban explorers, kiosks and food trucks serving flavours from around the world perfume Brussels' streets. Let your taste-buds be your guide. MORE INFO https://visit.brussels/gastronomy
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For more info about Brussels just follow the official online guide here --> http://www.visit.brussels
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Comic Strip in Brussel
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Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest

Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest

Fête de l'Iris 2013 Irisfeest
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VISITBRUSSELS: Winterwonders Iceberg

VISITBRUSSELS: Winterwonders Iceberg

Winterwonders Iceberg
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Brussels Ice Magic -  Making of

Brussels Ice Magic - Making of

Brussels Ice Magic
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VISITBRUSSELS: Meilleurs Voeux 2014 - Beste Wensen 2014 - Best Wishes 2014
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VISITBRUSSELS : Eat! Brussels 2013

VISITBRUSSELS : Eat! Brussels 2013

Eat! Brussels 2013 gastronomy - gastronomie
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VISITBRUSSELS: Be 25 Be Iris Be Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Be 25 Be Iris Be Brussels

Fete de l'Iris - Bruxelles Irisfeest - Brussel
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VISITBRUSSELS: Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels

Balloon Day Parade 2009 in Brussels
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VISITBRUSSELS: Tapis de Fleurs - Bloementapijt - Flower Carpet in Brussels

VISITBRUSSELS: Tapis de Fleurs - Bloementapijt - Flower Carpet in Brussels

You won't believe your eyes. When you pass through one of the seven entrances into the Grand Place, you will be presented with a brilliant spectacle. Stretchingout over 2,000 m2, the floral display will positively glow with sparkling colours arranged in subtle designs.
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VISITBRUSSELS: Fête de la BD / Stripfeest

VISITBRUSSELS: Fête de la BD / Stripfeest

Fête de la BD / Stripfeest
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