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Sonoma County, California

Sonoma County, California

索诺马县紧邻旧金山的金门大桥,拥有绵延数英里的太平洋崎岖海岸线、高大的红杉林和超过 425 座酒庄,是加州游客们梦想的度假胜地。 探索 50 多个自然公园,那里为游客们提供了长达数英里的远足步道和自行车道,蜿蜒穿越红杉林或遍布橡树的山丘。 清澈的河流吸引游客们前来划皮艇或泛独木舟,又或者索性在清凉的水面上漂游。 令人惊叹的 1 号高速公路 — 太平洋海岸公路以汹涌的海浪、可爱的海狮和迷人的日落景色令游客流连忘返。
URBAN.SHORE - Hamburg from its rough and beautiful waterside

URBAN.SHORE - Hamburg from its rough and beautiful waterside

URBAN.SHORE represents Hamburg life next to the Elbe: the authentic people. The ships. The busy harbour. Buildings with panoramic views. The beaches inside the city. The omnipresent water. It stands for a sense of home and wanderlust. For tradition and innovation. For something that is constantly in motion and yet still exudes tranquillity. #URBAN.SHORE


Hamburg, die Metropole am Wasser gilt nicht umsonst als eine der schönsten Städte Deutschlands. Die Landungsbrücken sind Ausgangspunkt für Ihre atemberaubende Reise durch das Tor zur Welt, dem Hamburger Hafen, vorbei an der märchenhaftschönen, historischen Speicherstadt, gefolgt von Hamburgs neuem Wahrzeichen, der Elbphilharmonie, und der neu erbauten hochmodernen HafenCity. The metropole at the waterfront is extraordinary: the distinct maritime character, the international outlook and the cosmopolitan attitudes make the Hanseatic City of Hamburg one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Hanseatic elegance on Elbe and Alster, the historic Town Hall, the UNESCO Speicherstadt and Kontorhausviertel, the nightlife on the famous red-light district Reeperbahn and the traditional Hamburg fish market are outlining the diversity of Hamburg as a tourist destination.


相约地中海的阿格德角(Cap d’Agde) 地中海的阿格德角 在海天之交 地中海阿格德角位于法国南部的奥克西塔尼(Occitanie),是一个全年拥有300天充分光照日的理想度假之地所。这里拥有三大滨海度假胜地:阿格德角、维亚斯(Vias)和波尔蒂拉盖(Portiragnes),毗邻细软沙滩、享受火山风光或茂盛松林的气息、名副其实的海岸线,以及拥有受保护文化遗产的城市和村庄,感受鲜活的生活传统,领略各式各样的传统工艺。我们可以例举莫里哀之城——佩泽纳(Pézenas)、弗凯亚人的“古董橱柜”——阿格德、以及中世纪集市的大城市——蒙塔尼亚克(Montagnac)。米迪运河一段一段地穿过阿格德角,成为这里的主要水运骨干。凭借丰富的旅游和文化活动,游人不禁要在一年中多次来此地游览。绵延20公里的海岸线、自然公园、松林、湿地、Natura 2000自然保护区、海域保护区、历史遗迹、文化遗址、高水平运动设备、娱乐公园、全年各类节庆和旅游活动,可谓应有尽有。
How to Do London: Eating Out

How to Do London: Eating Out

London is home to some of the best cuisine from around the globe...as well as the fish and chips it's famous for! From budget eats to 63 Michelin-starred restaurants and everything in between, you'll find the perfect dining experience.


巴厘岛的风景美丽得令人为之惊叹:。把那里称为热带天堂亦当之无愧在豪华度假村的背后,如画舨清幽的稻田和恬静的海滩藏着丰富的文化底蕴巴厘岛亦可能是您能找的最友善和热情的地方之一。勇于走出度假村以外,体验当地风土人情,换来一生人一次的美好回忆。 登巴萨是巴厘岛繁华的首府城市以及商业和行政中心,不像它的岛屿腹地,它的城市气派与周围宁静的印度教庙宇、绿色的梯田和美丽的海滩形成鲜明对比。这个变化令登巴萨值得一游。
How To Do London: Weather

How To Do London: Weather

Whether you visit London when it's glorious sunshine or pouring with rain, learn how to handle London weather like a local. Spring, summer, autumn or winter: London offers something wonderful every day of the year. From world-class tourist attractions to