• Historiske destinationer


    Historiske destinationer



Denne middelalderby ser ud som om den lige er hentet ud af en eventyrbog med sin levende markedsplads, spiralformede gotiske tårne, slotte og legender om drager. Udforsk de smalle baggyder, skjulte stotsgårde og nettet at underjordiske kældre og tunneler. Krakow er kendt for at være Polens kulturelle hovedstad på grund af byens forkærlighed for musik, digtekunst og teater. Efter mange års besættelse og kamp fremstår Krakow nu som en stolt by med en stærk identitetsfølelse, men stadig med en kunstnerisk og humoristisk sjæl.
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VisitBrabant - Tilburg

VisitBrabant - Tilburg

These days the vibrant cultural climate and student population make the town highly inviting and fully future-proof. The quays, the water and the pier in the Piushaven are a lively stage for an array of events and activities. Every week at 013, you can enjoy live concerts, dance and club evenings and festivals late into the night. Tilburg was an important city for the Dutch textile industry. You can learn all about it at the TextielMuseum. And there is more. In the accompanying TextielLab, national and international designers, architects, artists and students discover endless possibilities in relation to yarns, the latest techniques and traditional crafts. And do not forget to visit De Pont Museum. The museum is located in a former wool mill and offers contemporary visual art from 1988. The collection includes more than 600 works of art from more than 60 national and internationally renowned artists.
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VisitBrabant - Breda

VisitBrabant - Breda

Nassau City of Breda Breda may be historic in outlook, but the inhabitants conduct their active daily lives with a modern down-to-earth approach – against a gorgeous historical backdrop. The Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk (Church of our Lady) is the most important monument and a landmark of Breda that can be admired from almost every place in the city. Breda has been voted best city centre in the Netherlands, with plenty of pavement cafes, trendy restaurants and excellent shopping. The so-called ´Spanjaardsgat´ reminds visitors of the time Breda was in hands of the Spaniards. The Breda Castle shows the historical relation between Breda and the home of Oranje Nassau. The ancestors of the Dutch Royal Family, the Nassaus, were of great importance for the city.
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Castle Heeswijk

Castle Heeswijk

Together with St. John’s Cathedral in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Grote Kerk church in Breda and the Markiezenhof in Bergen op Zoom, Kasteel Heeswijk is one of the four official Top Monuments in Brabant. You can experience the chequered history of almost one thousand years of power, pride and culture of the elite of Brabant, all prominently located in the River Aa valley close to ’s-Hertogenbosch. The castle is also the Nature Gateway to Brabant and is encircled by the Heeswijk Estate where you can spend some relaxing time among beautiful countryside. Come and enjoy this imposing monument weekly from Tuesdays to Sundays. ‘Bij de Barones’ is the place for visitors to the castle and estate to enjoy coffee, lunch or drinks in beautiful historic surroundings!
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Visit Bruges. Visit More

Visit Bruges. Visit More

There are places that somehow manage to get under your skin or work their way your heart, even though you don't really know them all that well. Bruges is that kind of place. A warm and friendly place, a place made for people. A city whose history made it
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Velkommen til den fabelagtige “Lysenes by” eller “Kærlighedens by”. Paris er helt sikkert begge dele og er altid blevet betragtet som det mest romantiske sted i verden. Uanset om man er kunstner, forretningsmand eller blot en turist, der besøger byen med sin kæreste eller familie, vil man nyde de lange gåture fra Montmartre til Quartier Latin (latinerkvarteret). Når man slentrer forbi nogle af de fineste romanske og middelalderlige monumenter, vil man før eller senere ende på en café, stå på Pont Neuf broen eller udforske en skøn modebutik i Marais-distriktet. Giv dig god tid og husk at medbringe et stort hukommelseskort til dit digitale kamera!
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